Agenda item

Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service - Update

(To receive a report from NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, which provides the Committee with an update on Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services.  Sarah-Jane Mills, Chief Operating Officer, West Locality, Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Tim Fowler, Assistant Director, Contracting and Performance, Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group will be in attendance for this item) 


The Chairman invited Tim Fowler, Assistant Director of Contracting and Performance, NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Sarah-Jane Mills, Chief Operating Officer (West Locality), NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, to present the report which provided the Committee with an update on the Non-Emergency Transport Service (NEPTS).


The Committee was advised that NEPTS services, including services in the main contract with Thames Ambulance Service Ltd (TASL) had generally continued to respond well during the Covid-19 pandemic.  It was highlighted that Covid-19 continued to present a number of uncertainties for the future and as a result patient transport arrangements would continue to be reviewed.


It was noted that during December 2020, TASL had a significant number of staff who were affected by Covid-19 and this had impacted on services, with the CCG providing additional support.  The reduction in crews had resulted in the KPI performance for TASL being poor in December 2020, with some improvement being made in January 2021.  The Committee was advised that a key concern was the service and performance for fast track patients, and it was reported that TASL had been instructed to improve in this area.  Table 1 in Appendix A to the report provided the Committee with details of activity and performance against key performance indicators for the period July 2017 to January 2021; and Table 2 provided the latest KPI performance summary for January 2021.


The Committee was advised that work had been started by the CCG to have a new service in place for July 2022.  The Committee noted that an advertisement for expressions of interest to provide NEPTS services in Lincolnshire following the end of the current contract had been published in January 2021; and that over 25 responses had been received from interested providers.  It was noted that the CCG expected to publish Invitation to Tender Documents for the new contract in April 2021.


The Committee raised the following comments:


·       The implication of the forthcoming National Review of Patient Transport Services.  The Committee was advised that the new contract would take into account the forthcoming review.  It was reported that the CCG would be engaging with patients and health care professionals to inform the new service model and engaging with interested providers, ensuring that providers were aware of the rural nature of Lincolnshire.  The CCG advised that it would share the specification with the Committee once it was written;

·       Whether performance was affected by the number of health care settings outside the county.  The Committee was advised that this did have an impact service delivery;

·       The strength of the current market.  The Committee noted that in response to the expressions of interest, 25 responses had been received; but not all of those providers responded would be able to provide the full service.  It was highlighted that the CCG would be reviewing the bids it had received at the end of June 2021;

·       Whether there was any risk of TASL suddenly terminating the contract before July 2022.  It was confirmed that there was a risk, and that the CCG had a mitigation plan in place;

·       How confident the CCG was that from the 25 expressions of interest received that the new contract would deliver a good service for Lincolnshire patients.  The Committee was advised that the CCG was very confident, as the new contract had been improved compared to the existing contract.  It was highlighted to the Committee that if TASL produced a bid, which scored highest against the assessment criteria,  they would be awarded the contract; and

·       A request was made for the Committee to see a copy of TASL's improvement Action Plan.  Confirmation was given that this would be made available to members of the Committee.


Thanks were extended to TASL's frontline staff for the all their hard work.


Thanks were also extended to the two presenters.




1.    That the report from the NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group on the non-emergency patient transport service be noted.


2.    That the Committee's concerns on the level of performance by the provider of the non-emergency transport service in Lincolnshire be reiterated.


3.    That a further update be received in six months' time.


4.    That a copy of the specification document relating to the new contract; and a copy TASL's Improvement Action Plan be made available to members of the Committee.

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