Agenda item

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Outpatient Services at Community Hospitals

(To receive a report from Simon Evans, Health Scrutiny Officer, which invites the Committee to consider concerns raised regarding outpatient services at Community Hospitals.  Senior representatives from United Lincolnshire NHS Hospitals Trust and Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group will be in attendance for this item)


The Chairman invited Andrew Morgan, Chief Executive, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, John Turner, Chief Executive, NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Councillor M D Boles to the meeting.


The item had been included on the agenda as a result of further concerns being raised since the 20 January 2021 meeting regarding outpatient services at community hospitals.


Councillor M D Boles expressed his concerns regarding outpatient services at the Johnson Community Hospital in Spalding and the John Coupland Hospital in Gainsborough.


Confirmation was received from the Trust that no detailed discussions or decisions had been made concerning outpatient services at community hospitals.  The Committee was advised that the Trust had been running a number of consultations with staff, one of which had been aimed at staff based at peripheral clinic sites, which had been wrongly linked to service changes.  The Committee was advised further that due to the on-going situation with Covid-19, all consultations with staff had ceased in December 2020. 


The Committee sought reassurance about the future level of service provision at the county's community hospitals.  The Trust reiterated that when and where there was a proposed change in permanent service provision, there would be full public consultation.


Other points raised by the Committee included:


·       How many outpatient appointments at community hospitals had been cancelled for Covid-19 reasons.  The Committee was advised that for 2019/20 there had been 5,727 outpatient attendances; and to date for 2021 there had been 1,482 outpatient attendances.  The Committee noted that as a result of Covid-19, outpatients appointments had reduced throughout the county at all sites;

·       The need for local residents to have certainty with regard to services throughout the county and how these can be accessed.  Reassurance was given that if and when there was a case for change regarding outpatient services, there would be public engagement in the process.  Confirmation was given also that there was no material change in the pattern of service; and that there was no permanent change to services agreed or in scope:

·       Basis of the concerns regarding outpatient services.  The Committee noted that the confusion had stemmed from normal operational discussions/consultations internally with staff.  There was recognition that there could have been communication;

·       One member suggested that going forward some outpatient appointments could be continued to be done virtually, for example some follow up appointments.  As long as these were conducted in a sensitive way, this would avoid patients having to visit a hospital for a five minute appointment  The Committee noted that this was being considered;

·       The position regarding patients going out of county for treatment.  The Committee noted that where appropriate, the CCG tried to keep financial resources in the county.  It was however important that patients received the right treatment at the right time, and all steps were taken to try and ensure that this happened in a local setting.  The emphasis was for local services and care being provided in the local community; and

·       The need to ensure that residents without IT or internet connection still had access to services and to any proposed consultations.  There was recognition that this was a matter that needed further consideration, to ensure that there was access to all across the county.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended thanks to the presenters for attending the meeting at short notice.


Thanks were extended to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman by the Committee and this was reciprocated by the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman to all members of the Committee.


Thanks were also extended to Simon Evans, Health Scrutiny Officer and Katrina Cope, Senior Democratic Services Officer for their help and support to the Committee during the last four years.




1.    That the information presented by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust and NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group on outpatient services provided at the County's community hospitals, recognising the impact of Covid-19 at various times had led to the suspension of services at these hospitals be noted.


2.    That the view of the Committee be reiterated, that Lincolnshire's community hospitals provide a valuable service across Lincolnshire and to record the Committee's disappointment that the concerns of patients about the provision of these services in the longer term had not been addressed by better communication by the local NHS.


3.    That the Chairman be authorised to seek further reassurances in writing that:


(a)  there are no current plans for outpatient services in Lincolnshire community hospitals; and


(b)  full public consultation will be undertaken on changes in NHS provision at community hospitals, which represent a substantial development.

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