Agenda item

Lincolnshire's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

(To receive a report from Alison Christie, Programme Manager, which provides the Board with an update on the current position and sets out proposals to redesign the format of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to ensure it remains relevant and up to date)



The Board gave consideration to a report from Alison Christie, Programme Manager, which advised of the statutory responsibility of the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board to produce and publish a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) into the current and future health and wellbeing needs of Lincolnshire's population.


It was noted that work on the Lincolnshire JSNA had been put on hold in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  It was noted further that the current JSNA was made up of 34 topics and was currently published on the Lincolnshire Research Observatory (LRO).  The Board was advised that the process to annually review the 34 topics was time consuming resource intensive and repetitive; and that the LRO platform also limited the ability to make the current JSNA format dynamic and visually appealing.


The Board was advised that the proposal was to move away from the current topic-based structure to one based on a life course model, with three chapters: Start Well, Live Well and Age Well.  Appendix A to the report provided the Board with further details of the sub themes, data and intelligence to be covered in each of the live course chapters.


It was highlighted that it was the intention to keep the JSNA strategic and focused on the key factors rather than having individual lengthy topics.  The outline structure of each chapter would follow a consistent format and provide the user with key information, analysis and resources as to where further information could be found.  The intention was for the JSNA to become a comprehensive evidence-based resource for all partners in Lincolnshire to use.  It was highlighted further that the JSNA needed to effective to be able to inform health decisions in Lincolnshire going forward.


Details of the timescales and resources were shown at paragraph 1.4 of the report. It was reported that the new JSNA would be published before March 2023, as the LRO platform was being switched off on that date.


The Board raised the following points:


·       To ensure that when changing from the old to new system that information was not lost or duplicated.  Reassurance was given that nothing would be lost and that the JSNA in its current form would be live until the republishing of the new JSNA in March 2023.  Confirmation was also given that there would not be any duplication;

·       The absence of Autism from the JSNA.  It was agreed that this would be discussed further;

·       The inclusion of neurological conditions;

·       The potential of the re-design in highlighting hotspot areas, to help inform decisions going forward;

·       Recognition that the holistic approach, rather than a disease based approach, would highlight the needs of the local population;

·       Continuation of existing sub-groups.  The Board was advised that all existing sub-group around all theme areas would still be playing a part in the new system;

·       The absence of air quality.  The Board was advised that there was no topic at the moment, but that this would be picked up;  and

·       To consider financial inclusion.




1.    That the report presented be noted.


2.    That the redevelopment of Lincolnshire's JSNA using a life course approach as set out in Appendix A be agreed.


3.    That the importance of the JSNA be promoted by members within their respective organisations to ensure active engagement in the review process.


4.    That the outline timescales as detailed at paragraph 4.1 be noted.

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