Agenda item

Market Deeping Grow-On Business Space

(To consider a report from Mick King, Head of Economic Infrastructure, Growth and Amanda Bond - Special Projects Officer, which is the subject of a decision by the Executive Councillor – Economy and Place and the Leader of the Council between 6 April and 16 July 2021. The views of the Committee will be reported to them as part of their consideration of this item)


Consideration was given to a report from the Head of Economic Infrastructure, Growth and the Special Projects Officer, on the Market Deeping Grow-On Business Space, which was the subject of a decision by the Executive Councillor – Economic Development, Environment and Planningand the Leader of the Council between 19th July and 16th August 2021. The views of the Committee would be reported to them as part of their consideration of the item.


In February 2021 in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Economic Development, Environment and Planning and the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee, the Economic Infrastructure (EI) team had set out a proposal to deliver Grow On space in the Deepings area through alterations to the Eventus Business Centre in Market Deeping. The main aims of the transformational activity were to: increase lettable space overall (assisting both growing businesses and newer ones); introduce new agile / ‘co-working’ space, with provision for safe and social distancing but which also offered greater choice and flexibility for businesses in the longer term; provide for safer and more user-friendly management of the building; and implement Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) improvements/upgrades (where appropriate). The anticipated benefits/outcomes were: an increase of over 2,000sq ft of lettable space; new opportunities for flexible and collaborative working for existing tenants and local businesses;  improved layout, accessibility, safety and operability for tenants, visitors and staff; increased income generated from new lettable space; and efficiency savings resulting from upgrades to ageing equipment/fittings.


In the context of the pandemic, the Economic Infrastructure Team had sought to assess the current market, and had revised the strategy accordingly in order to best respond to the needs of the business community and this was outlined in the report. Additionally, the project now captured the work associated with necessary maintenance and safety enhancements now the building had been operational for over 10 years.  The identification of fire safety and repair works would impact on the cost of the proposed project, the details of which were included in the report .


The report recommended that the Executive Councillor for Economic Development, Environment and Planning: -

1)      Approve in principle the development of Grow On business space in the Deepings area through alterations to the Eventus Business Centre in Market Deeping comprising the whole of Project 1 and the whole of Project 2 as set out in the Report;

2)      Delegate to the Executive Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Economic Development, Environment and Planning, authority to approve the final form of and the entering into of all contract documentation to give effect to the above decision.

3)      That the Leader of the Council (Executive Councillor for Resources, Communications and Commissioning) approve the scheme business case for the development.


The Committee considered the report, and during the discussion the following comments were noted:-

·         One member expressed disappointment that there had not been enough funding for Eventus 2. It was noted that there was currently a 95% occupancy rate with no waiting list and that it had been thought that the development of a further centre at this time would be high risk.

·         The centre needed to be future proofed with such facilities as video conferencing.

·         The development was welcomed as a positive development in providing more space for businesses. There was a demand it was thought for more incubator space.

·         There were businesses located in the centre who had achieved significant growth and would require additional space and it was hoped that space could be provided for these types of businesses, allowing for the remaining space to be let.




1) That the recommendations to the Executive Councillor – Economy and Place and the Leader of the Council (Executive Councillor - Resources and Communications) outlined above and in the report be supported;

2) That the comments of the Committee as outlined above be passed on to the Executive Councillor – Economy and Place and the Leader of the Council (Executive Councillor: Resources and Communications) for their consideration.

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