Agenda item

Household Waste Recycling Centre Operation

(To consider a report from Mike Reed, Head of Waste, on the Household Waste Recycling Centre Operation which is the subject of an Executive Councillor decision between 19 - 23 July 2021. The views of the Committee will be reported to the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards as part of their consideration of this item)


Consideration was given to a report from the Head of Waste, on the Household Waste Recycling Centre Operation which was the subject of an Executive Councillor decision between 19 -23 July 2021. The views of the Committee would be reported to the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards as part of their consideration of this item.


The Committee was asked to consider whether it supported the recommendations to the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards and agree any additional comments to be passed on to the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards in relation to the item.


The recommendations were:


1)      Subject to the removal of Covid-19 social distancing  guidance, to approve the removal of the HWRC booking system to allow residents to have uncontrolled access to the HWRCs;

2)      Approve the continuation of a registration system to be used for residents with vans and trailers;

3)      Delegate to the Executive Director – Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards, authority to determine the final form of and make changes to the detailed arrangements of 1) and 2) to address any operational concerns.


The Committee considered the report, and during the discussion the following comments were noted:-

·      The Chairman of the Committee reported that he had received on 12 July 2021, correspondence from one of the site contractors which he had passed on to the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards and added that he would consult the Executive Councillor on his decision. 

·      It was acknowledged that recycling and waste disposal had been one of the main complaints from residents during the last local elections.

·      The booking system was introduced to control the number of daily visits to the Recycling Centres due to Covid and in line with reducing contact between staff and members of the public using the facilities.

·      The system had been in place for the past 12 months; in line with the relaxation of social distancing guidelines (from the 19th July 2021) and in light of evidence that: the registration system was near its maximum capacity, thus preventing residents from making use of the service as they could not book a slot; the number of ‘no-shows’ after bookings were made (12-15% currently); and also considering that the system had failed on a number of occasions in the past 12 month period, there was a strong case for reverting to the previous model that allowed uncontrolled entrance to residents to enable better use of the sites.  There were   suggestions that fly tipping had increased since the booking system had been introduced however the report indicated that there was no clear evidence for this.New initiatives to tackle fly-tipping were being worked on, including community groups, education, and looking at how it could be included in crime prevention publicity.

·      The demographic of the service users was taken under consideration to prevent commercial users from using these facilities.  A system of pre-registration for vans and trailers was being considered.

·      Members expressed concerns on the numbers of ‘no-shows’ and on the abuse of the facilities by trade and commercial users at the expense of Lincolnshire taxpayers.

·      Members suggested that following removal of the booking system, the service should be advertised as being accessible only to Lincolnshire residents and that spot checks should be formally implemented as a means of ensuring the appropriate use of the facilities.

·      Assurance was sought that physical support from site staff would be provided to the elderly and vulnerable residents in line with the Equality Act 2010, to assist them to unload their vehicles. Members were pleased to hear that contractors, subject to staff availability, had agreed to provide assistance to members of the public on a discretionary basis, whilst continuing to adopt strict instructions in regards to supporting and prioritising the elderly and frail where possible.

·      Members expressed concerns at the number of complaints from Boston residents in relation to the booking system for the facilities as well as the increase in fly-tipping. The profile of the local community was highlighted as featuring a low wage economy; residents living in small size accommodation (flats/ shared houses) which lacked facility and space for storage of rubbish and recyclables; and a throwaway culture due to limited resources to invest in high quality items, which were disposed of when faulty. This economic profile was consistent with trade professions suggesting that the household vehicles could often be a commercial van. This social profile was also associated with varying working-hour patterns which often did not tie in with facilities’ opening hours and bookable slots.

·      Alternative suggestions for operating the service were made, including keeping the booking system in place, exploring the possibility of adopting a hybrid approach, installing an ANPR system at the entrances to sites, highlighting peak hours on the website, varying the open days, and extending the opening hours to seven days per week. However, it was recognised that some of these suggestions would entail increased costs and staffing resources, and that there was a need for the service to remain flexible and accessible to service users.


Councillor M A Griggs moved an amended recommendation 2 as follows, which was seconded by Councillor M D Boles:-


'Looks at the removal or fairer use of a registration system used for residents with vans and trailers”.


Following a vote it was unanimously:-




That the recommendations, including an amended recommendation 2, as outlined above, be supported and the views of the Committee be reported to the Executive Councillor for Waste and Trading Standards as part of their consideration of this item.


Supporting documents:



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