Agenda item

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board: Role and Function during Covid-19 Pandemic, Strategic Plan Update and Team Around the Adult

(To receive a report by Heather Roach, Chair of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board and David Culy, Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Business Manager which updates the Committee on its role and functions during the pandemic; a refresh of its Strategic Plan for 2021; and an overview on the current position of the Team around the Adult Programme)


The Committee received a presentation from Heather Roach, Independent Chair of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board which provided an update on its role and functions during the pandemic; a refresh of its Strategic Plan for 2021 including their assurance process; and an overview on the current position of the Team Around the Adult programme.


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions to the officers present in relation to the information contained within the report and presentation, and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:


·         It was queried whether the two/four weekly reviews which had been in place during the height of the pandemic had been the correct decision in terms of timing, and if a similar event was to occur again would a similar plan be implemented.  Members were advised that the timing of the reviews had been in response to how busy the different agencies were.  It was also noted that weekly meetings had been held with the Assistant Director – Specialist Adult Services, who was responsible for safeguarding, which made it very easy to understand how the services were being affected. 

·         It was queried whether any benchmarking against other authorities took place, and members were advised that the Chair of the Board was part of a Regional Chairs group, as part of the quality assurance for the Board.  Performance of areas outside Lincolnshire was being looked at.

·         In relation to the Team Around the Adult, it was queried what the role of the Prevention and Early Intervention Sub-Group was.  Members were advised that the Board had developed a Prevention and Intervention Strategy, and the role of the Sub-group was to monitor the implementation of the Strategy.

·         It was queried what other types of safeguarding issues had arisen due to Covid-19, and had the pandemic specifically affected those adults at risk.  It was reported that all risks had been entered onto the risk register.  The vulnerability and isolation of individuals had been a particular concern as they were more likely to be susceptible to crime.  One disadvantage had been the move to digital technologies, as there was a generation of people who could not access services digitally.  It was important that all the services considered this factor during the pandemic.  It was confirmed that if there was a need for another lockdown, services were ready.

·         It was acknowledged that there had been an increase in mental health issues due to Covid-19.  However, it was also important to note that the impact of Covid-19 had tended to exaggerate existing issues rather than create new ones.  In Lincolnshire, isolation was a major issue, and no single organisation was able to deal with all of the issues which would emerge, which highlighted the importance of the Integrated Care System.

·         It was queried whether the Vulnerable Adult Panels were fully embedded and established in all districts, as East Lindsey had had one for approximately 10 years.  Members were informed that the Panels were at different stages of evolution, and many had different names in different localities, but there was still some work to do.

·         It was queried whether the Committee would be receiving the data that could highlight where there were areas of concern for future focus, as there was a need for the Committee to see what good practice looked like.  It was confirmed that the Board was required to publish an annual report and strategy and the Chair of the Board was happy to share this with the Committee beforehand.

·         In relation to safeguarding, 4,272 safeguarding concerns had been raised, however, not all of them met the eligibility criteria to progress to a Section 42 enquiry.  Of this number, 1,681 did meet the criteria for a S42 enquiry.

·         It was suggested that it would be beneficial if the Committee received reports from the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board every six months.




1.    That the information presented be noted;


2.    That a report be received by the Committee every six months from the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board.

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