Agenda item

To construct a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) with a single storey welfare building/office, canopies, improved site access/entrance and surface water attenuation pond at Former Landfill Site, Kirkby Lane, Tattershall Thorpe - Lincolnshire County Council - S/176/00794/21


The Committee considered a report where Planning permission was sought by Lincolnshire County Council to construct a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) with a single storey welfare building canopies, improved site access and surface water attenuation pond at Former Landfill Site, Kirkby Lane, Tattershall Thorpe. The proposed HWRC was to replace the existing facility which was located approximately 1.2km to the north within the Kirkby on Bain Landfill Site. The landfill site and HWRC were owned and operated by FCC and the existing HWRC was to cease operating in 2021. Without an alternative facility local residents and users of the existing site would have to travel longer distances to dispose of bulky and large household and garden wastes. This proposal would therefore ensure the existing and continued demand and need for such a facility was maintained. In terms of location, the site was located within the open countryside and was a former landfill site. A small-scale facility such as this was appropriate in such a location and on such a site where it served a local need and where any environmental and amenity impacts could be suitably minimised or mitigated. In this case, whilst objections and concerns had been raised about the location and impacts of the development, officers were satisfied that, subject to suitable conditions, the development could be carried out without giving rise to any significant or unacceptable adverse effects on the local landscape, highway network or the wider environment and any nearby residents. Therefore the proposal was considered to accord with cited policies contained within the NPPF, Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan and East Lindsey Local Plan.


The Applications Manager guided members through the report and set out the main issues to be considered in the determination of the application.


The report recommended that, following consideration of the relevant development plan policies and the comments received through consultation and publicity, conditional planning permission be granted.


Mike Reed, Delivery & Transformation Manager (Waste), was invited to address the Committee in capacity as the applicant for this proposal. He explained that, if a replacement facility wasn't provided, then a big gap in household waste service would appear. There was a large population in Horncastle, Coningsby and Woodhall Spa that would have to travel further afield to dispose of their material; the nearest sites would be in Sleaford or Market Rasen. This would represent and inconvenience to service users. In addition, an environmental risk of fly tipping from would likely ensue. Fly tipping would also have an impact on District Councils whom would have a responsibility to collect fly tipped materials. The Council did own and operate ten other facilities around the County; many were in built up areas. People were initially concerned about implications of such developments; however these concerned proved to be unfounded. Operation was permitted under very tight restrictions from the Environment Agency; this gave officers a lot of confidence in their ability to operate this type of facility. Four facilities had residential properties as immediate neighbours but no complaints were ever raised.

Councillor Mrs P A Bradwell was invited to address the Committee in her capacity as adjoining local member for Woodhall Spa and Wragby, East Lindsey. Her comments were as follows:

             She hadn't had any complaints from anyone about this application. Local parish council meetings also offered their support to the application. She had sent parish councils the officers' full report of this application.

             Both she and the parish councils were aware of the importance that this application be approved due to considerable distance to the next available service.

             Had any consideration been given to both an excess and egress to the site because she suspected demand would increase as normality returned.


Councillor T B Ashton was invited to address the Committee in his capacity as local member for Tattershall Castle, East Lindsey. His comments were as follows:

             Local residents were concerned that the road used to access this site was already busy with quarry traffic.

             The previous uses of the site should be fully known and understood by the members of the Committee in determining this application. He made reference to these in the report, showing his appreciation.

             The risk of potential contamination was of concern to adjacent land owners. These residents were concerned that the previous uses weren't fully appreciated.

             River Bane ran close to this site, however he was satisfied that, in its current form, the application posed no risk. The proposed development would disturb it in a limited sense, although this wouldn't be unforeseen. The Committee needed to be sure that there wouldn't be any risk of unexpected contamination to the River Bane.

             There was an absolute need for a house hold waste recycling centre to service the residents of the area. Failure to provide a service in this area could result in waste being fly-tipped within the district.

             He welcomed this application, however, sought assurance that condition three of the reconditions as sufficient.


Members understood that a site such as this was always going to be challenging, however comprehensive mitigation measure had been recommended. The conditions proposed appeared to be multi layered, which offered assurance that appropriate protections were provided. Recycling was a key part of the environmental strategy of the Council, and it had to deal with matters of house hold waste disposal. Officers' thorough and comprehensive report was appreciated by Members.


On a motion proposed by Councillor I G Fleetwood and seconded by Councillor I Carrington, it was:


RESOLVED (9 with 1 abstention)


That conditional planning permission be approved.

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