Agenda item

Future of the Heritage Service in Lincolnshire

(To receive a report from Will Mason, Head of Culture, which provides the Committee with an update on the actions undertaken in regard to the recommendations relating to the future of the Council's heritage service approved by Executive on 3 September 2019)


The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided an update on the actions being undertaken relating to the future of Heritage Services in Lincolnshire.


The Chairman invited Will Mason, Head of Culture, to remotely present the item to the Committee.


The Committee was advised that the changes relating to the future of cultural services provided by the Council had been approved by the Executive at their meeting held on 3 September 2019.  The recommendations had included, changes in service delivery to the Cultural Enterprise and Supersite Model, which delivered culture based-products and services to generate a surplus which would then be used to ensure the service's long-term sustainability and development; changes to the operation of Gainsborough Old Hall, The Collection Museum and Usher Gallery, Discover Stamford and Burgh le Marsh, Alford and Ellis windmills.


The report provided an update on the actions taken and the Committee was invited to comment on the actions as shown on pages 60 and 61 of the report pack.  The Committee raised some of the following points:


·       The re-opening of Ellis Mill as a visitor attraction;

·       The successful joint working arrangements between the County Council and the City of Lincoln Council, which had led to the Usher Art Gallery remaining open, and Lincoln's museum and art collections remaining in Lincolnshire.  Appreciation was extended to the Executive Councillor for Fire & Rescue and Cultural Services for all her hard work behind the scenes to make the arrangement happen;

·       Whether local councils were able make a request for some of the treasures relating to their area to be returned to them, for them to be able to display and promote the history of their area.  Officers advised that it was important to showcase the County's rich heritage, and that some of the collections held were not on display.  The Committee was advised that any interest from organisations across the County would be considered to help share the story of Lincolnshire;

·       The impact restricted opening times was having on heritage sites.  It was noted that there was still a variance across the County with regard to opening times and to the number of people being able to visit at one time.  The reduction in the number of visitors had significantly impacted the amount of income generated and that at the moment it was difficult to estimate when opening times would be back to pre-Covid times.  It was highlighted it was important for heritage sites to be able to pay for themselves and where there was demand making sure the sites were open appropriate hours; and

·       One member enquired as to what progress had been made in repairing the Burgh le Marsh windmill, following it losing its sails in 2020.  The Committee was advised that the insurance claim had received a positive response from the Resource Board.  The Committee noted that it was proposed to start work on the ancillary building first so that the site could open then open its café, shop and display area to continue to tell the story of the site, even though the mill was unable to grind flour.  The Committee noted that currently a similar proposal had been undertaken at Ellis Mill.  It was highlighted that all the mills owned by the County Council all required some work, and that currently, there was no Mill Rights in the County.  It was highlighted further that it could take years before all the works were completed.   




That the continued work towards delivering the recommendations approved by the Executive in September 2019 be received.   

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