Agenda item

Development Fund - Drainage Investigations and Flood Repairs

(To receive a report by Matthew Harrison, Senior Commissioning Officer – Flood Risk, which informs the Committee progress to date with the programme of work for the Development Fund for Drainage Investigations and Flood Repairs)


Consideration was given to a report, which advised the Committee of the progress made to date with the programme of work for the Development Fund Drainage Investigations and Flood Repairs.


The Chairman invited Matthew Harrison, Senior Commissioning Officer – Flood Risk, to present the report to the Committee.


The Committee was reminded that funding to the value of £2.2 million (capital 2m, revenue 200K) had been made available to address drainage and flooding issues in Lincolnshire.  That a programme of works had been developed in collaboration between the Floods Team and Highways for the works to be delivered over the financial years 2021/21 and 2021/22, with overall spend to be completed by March 2022. 


Appended at Appendix A to the report was a copy of the Development Fund – Drainage Investigations and Flood Repairs Governance Structure; and Appendix B provided a copy of the Development Fund – Development Investigations and Flood Repairs – Programme of Work for 2021/22 for the Committee's consideration.


It was highlighted that the varied programme which included investigation work and the proposed delivery of more substantial drainage and flooding schemes would address long standing issues across the County.  It was also noted that the programme of works complimented a full and active programme of drainage works taking place in the County, which were being delivered through the Highways Asset Teams.  Further details concerning this matter were provided on page 16 of the report.


The Committee noted that the Development Fund Programme was on track to deliver the allocated budget of 2.2 million of works by March 2022.  It was highlighted that there was a desire for such a programme to continue and to that end a business case was being prepared to seek future funding for the continuation of the programme from April 2022.   It was highlighted further that the Programme Delivery Board was already considering a future programme of work and key areas that would benefit from the work.


The Committee was invited to review and comment on the progress made with the Development Fund for Drainage Investigations and Flood Repairs and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:


·       That some schemes were not included within the Appendix B to the report presented. Some concern was expressed that 3 schemes in Bardney had not being progressed under the Development Fund.  The Committee was reminded that the programme was working alongside the Highways programme, and that further investigation may change the scope of works undertaken.  Officers agreed to have a separate conversation concerning the three Bardney schemes outside of the meeting;

·       Whether £2.2m was enough for the works to be carried out.  The Committee was advised that the amount required was difficult to quantify.  It was highlighted that the Council was however seeking additional funding for the next two years.  There was an understanding that more needed to be done, and that any member with flooding concerns should contact officers;

·       The Kirton Scheme – Officers confirmed that the scheme at Kirton was a complex major scheme, as it involved both highways and private land owners.  There was acknowledgment there would of course be some short term disruption to residents, but that would be outweighed by the long term benefits of the scheme; and

·       Lack of provision for schemes in the south of the County. It was noted that the programme covered a specific area and that areas in the south of the County would be included in the wider programme.  Officers agreed to look at any specific concerns outside of the meeting.




That the progress made with the Development Fund for Drainage Investigations and Flood repairs be noted. 

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