Agenda item

De-delegation of Maintained Primary School Budgets 2022/23 and 2023/24

(To receive a report from Mark Popplewell, Head of Finance - Children's Services, which seeks approval from the maintained primary school representatives' of the Schools' Forum to the Local Authority's (LA) proposals for the de-delegation of certain budgets in 2022/23 and 2023/24)


The Forum considered a report, which sought approval from the maintained primary school representatives of the Forum to the local authority's proposals for the de-delegations of certain budgets in 2022/23 and 2023/24.


The Chairman invited Mark Popplewell, Head of Finance - Children's Services to present the item to the Forum. 


The Forum noted that the government's decision to implement the national funding formula still allowed for de-delegation arrangements for maintained schools to continue. 


Details of the de-delegations for the previous financial year 2020/21 were showed on page 34 of the report pack.


The Forum noted further that the de-delegation budgets for 2021/22 had been agreed by the maintained primary school representatives at the Schools Forum meeting held in October 2020.  Details of the final per pupil rates using the October 2020 census were set out on the top of page 35; and information regarding the current services provided was set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


The Forum noted that the primary maintained schools 'Contingency termed' budgets were demand-led in nature and required a degree of prudence, and therefore the local authority proposed to retain a £0.300m provision within the available cumulative underspend.  This provision would ensure certainty in de-delegation amounts for primary maintained schools where unexpected costs arose due to the delivery of services, i.e., an increased demand from primary maintained schools.


It was highlighted that Lincolnshire's children had performed less well than most of their peers nationally and statistical neighbours and that early intervention was necessary to ensure the on-going development of young children as they moved through their school career.  The Forum noted that the local authority proposed to deliver a two-year programme to increase pupils' fluency in reading by Year 2 and then working towards providing a sustainable model to ensure the on-going development of this approach in Lincolnshire.  It was noted further that the remaining reserves would be earmarked for this project (£0.31m)  It was reported that this initiative was seen as being of benefit to all primary schools across Lincolnshire, and that stand-alone primary academies and those within multi-academy trusts would be encouraged to purchase this programme from the selected provider.


Page 37 of the report provided details of the per pupil rates for 2022/23. 


These were as follows:-


Contingency                                                                                                         £29.93 per pupil

Ethnic Minority and Traveller Education Team                                        £6.97 per pupil


This would finance:

              Termination of employment costs                                                 £0.213m

Interim headteachers                                                                         £0.218m

Primary maintained Intervention Funding                                  £0.263m

Intervention Locality Lead                                                                £0.090m


Ethnic Minority and Traveller Education Team                         £0.186m                                                                    


It was highlighted that the charges for 2023/24 (in principle) would continue to be at the baseline amounts per pupil for the de-delegation budget.


The maintained school representatives on the Forum were asked if they agreed to the proposal for the use of de-delegation reserves; and for the delegation of the budgets for the period 2022/23 and 2023/24 (in principle) as detailed on page 37 of the report.  It was noted that through the identified funding, the local authority was proposing to appoint one additional school improvement professional to deliver school improvement expertise on the ground.


During discussion, the following comments were raised:


·       The potential of the national funding formula not allowing for de-delegation, or not as much de-delegation in the future and the implications arising from it and whether there was evidence that the hybrid model would work.  Confirmation was given that the future of the national funding formula was contained within the consultation and that there was no timescale set as to when the national funding formula would move to the hard formula; but it was clearly the direction of travel from central government.  Reassurance was given that there would be the opportunity for the local authority to put their views in going forward and that localism was something that had been included in the consultation response to ensure these types of arrangements could continue.  It was hoped that the government would see the importance of de-delegations, in helping maintained schools to recover, should the need arise;

·       Some concern was expressed to the earlier fact that primary schools had performed less well; and whether this related to all primary schools; and what plans were in place to resolve the situation.  Confirmation was given that from the data, the poor performance related to all schools.  It was however highlighted that the data referred to was two-year-old data, however, it had provided an indication of the position that schools were in.  To address the declining position the local authority planned to support schools better to improve, particularly the maintained schools sector.  It was highlighted that evidence had shown that where schools had received help, they had improved.  It was noted that closer working with schools had already commenced;

·       One member enquired as to where evidential findings had seen the most impact.  The Forum was advised that the local authority did not have any direct evidence from academies; however, there were outcomes for academies and the outcomes from Ofsted inspections for academies.  The Forum also noted that the local authority worked very closely with Chief Executive Officers of academies and any concerns about an academy within a trust would be shared.  Also, the local authority worked with the (DfE) relating to any concerns with academies.  It was confirmed that there was no analysis data.  The Forum noted that schools that received support and were involved in projects tended to improve their outcomes; and that was why the proposal was to look at working with all schools going forward.




1.      That the proposals for the use of de-delegation reserves be agreed.


2.      That the de-delegation of the budgets for the period 2022/23 and 2023/24 (in principle), as set out above be agreed. 

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