Agenda item

Proposal for a new primary academy in Gainsborough (submission to Secretary of State of results and evaluation process to identify an operator)

(To receive a report from Michelle Andrews, Interim Head of Property and Technology Management)


Michelle Andrews, Interim Head of Service – Property and Technology Management, introduced the report which invited the Committee to consider a report on the proposal for a new Primary Academy in Gainsborough, due to be considered by the Executive Councillor for Adult Care, Health Services and Children's Services on 31 October 2013.


The Chairman welcomed Sharron Close (Executive Principal) and Rachel Ward (Executive Business Manager) of Tall Oaks Academy to the meeting and invited them to give their presentation, which comprised a brief overview of the proposals.


During discussions, the following points were noted:-

·         The process of selecting an education provider for an academy was explained to the Committee, following a query regarding the scoring documentation provided at Appendix G.  The written application was not solely relied upon to  make a decision and a formal interview process was undertaken with a panel consisting of two headteachers, the Head of Service – Property and Technology  Management, The Executive Support Councillor for Children's Services and an added member on the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee.

·         As the Member for Gainsborough Trent, Councillor O'Connor welcomed the proposal for this Primary Academy in Gainsborough due to the development of the town.

·         A mobility clause was included in staff contracts for those working between the two schools.  Following consultation and agreement with staff, this remained within the TUPE agreement.  Assurance was given to the Committee, however, that staff would not be expected to travel great distances or to travel to the other site during break times.  In relation to the SENCO, their time would be organised between the two schools.

·         Officers confirmed that they were not obliged to select an applicant if they deemed them inappropriate following the selection process.

·         In the event that no applicant was shortlisted and, given the timescales involved, concern was noted that the government grant may have been lost.  Officers reassured members that this was not the case as there would be an opportunity to renegotiate the position with the DfE, should this situation arise.

·         The basic streamline model proposed by the DfE for newly built primary schools was not being used in this case.  A model had been developed for Lincolnshire schools which included more advanced design features, for example green energy, dependent on the site and location.




1.    That the Committee support the recommendation to the Executive Councillor for Adult Care, Health Services and Children's Services as set out in Appendix A of agenda item 6;

2.    That the comments of the Committee, as noted below, be relayed to the Executive Councillor for Adult Care, Health Services and Children's Services for their consideration:-

a.    Depending on the site/plans for the new academy, green energy should be incorporated into the new building;

b.    In future, any differences or anomalies in the results from the scoring mechanism will be highlighted and explained within the report;

c.    An assurance that, should it be agreed that Tall Oaks Academy is the preferred operator, the issue of their performance of championing vulnerable children, as highlighted in the report, will be addressed by officers in conjunction with the school.


The Chairman thanked Sharron Close and Rachel Ward for their attendance and presentation to the Committee.

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