Agenda item

Scrutiny Committee Work Programmes

(To receive a report which sets out the work programmes of the Environment and Economy; Highways and Transport and Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee's, in accordance with the Board's agreed programme)



During this item, Councillor T J N Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Transport for North Board.


Consideration was given to a report by the Chairman of the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee, which provided an update on the recent work of the Committee and its future work programme, as set out on pages 134 – 142. As part of its recent work, the Committee had debated and expressed its views in relation to the invitation to join a Geological Disposal Facility Working Group in Eastern Lincolnshire and recorded its support towards being a part of the working group with a view to help the local community and shape any future decision in relation to the subject. As part of the consideration of this topic, the Committee welcomed the attendance and contribution to the discussion of the leader of a campaigners’ group. Another important topic that the Committee had the opportunity to consider and contribute to was in relation to the discontinuity of the Supplementary Waste Collection Services at Stamford and Mablethorpe. In relation to this, the Committee received a petition from a resident of Stamford and gave them the opportunity to attend the session and put on record their views and arguments.


The Chairman of the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee thanked Members and Officers involved with the Committee for their support during the current Council year.


The Board welcomed the consideration of the Tree Strategy and the planting of more trees across the County for visual and environmental reasons.


In relation to a question, the Board was advised that the largest benefit to Lincolnshire from the £96.1bn Integrated Rail Plan was the upgrades to the East Coast Mainline as well as the replacement of the flat level crossing in Newark, which was widely used by Lincolnshire residents and would see significant improvements for Lincolnshire’s rail services. The Local Transport Plan, which was currently out for consultation, identified a number of priorities around rail networks for Lincolnshire. The Council was working with Network Rail colleagues and it was hoped that Lincolnshire would benefit from improvements to rail services out of Kings Cross on the East Coast Mainline.



Consideration was given to a report by the Vice Chairman of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee which provided an update on the recent work of the Committee and its future work programme, as set out on pages 143 – 147.


The Vice Chairman paid tribute to Councillor Bob Adams, and offered his condolences to his family, who had been the Chairman of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee since May 2019.


It was suggested that the enforcement of double yellow lines could be put forward for future consideration by the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee.


The Board also requested that all Members be provided with an opportunity to comment on the Speed Limit Policy review.


Consideration was then given to a report by the Chairman of the Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee, which provided an update on the recent work of the Committee and its future work programme, as set out on pages 148-151.


It was noted that there had been a number of schemes delivered by the Flood and Water Partnership such as the Stamp End and Digby schemes and the tidal barrier in Boston had been used for the first time.






1)      That the Board's satisfaction be recorded with the activity undertaken since June 2021 by:


(a)    the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee;

(b)   the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee; and

(c)    the Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee.  


2) That the Board's satisfaction be recorded with the planned work programme of:


(a)    the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee;

(b)   the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee; and

(c)    the Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee.  


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