Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals 2022/23

(To receive a report from Keith Noyland, Head of Finance – Communities, which invites the Committee to consider and comment on the budget implications for the Council’s Public Protection and Communities services, prior to the Executive meeting on the 8 February 2022, when it will make its final budget proposals for 2022/23)  


Consideration was given to a report from Keith Noyland, Head of Finance – Communities Financial Strategy, which invited the Committee to consider and comment on the budget implications for the Council’s Public Protection and Communities services, prior to the Executive meeting on 8 February 2022, at which the final budget proposals would be made for 2022/23.


The Committee was advised that the largest cost pressure of £0.131m was for Fire and Rescue and that this had arisen due increased training costs, increased costs for Urban Search and Rescue, investments to maintain the stability of the mobilising system and to maintain the delivery of the Community Fire Protection programme following the withdrawal of Home Office funding.  Table A, on page 20 of the report pack provided details of the proposed revenue budget for the Council’s Public Protection and Communities services.  It was noted that overall, budget proposals had allowed for pay inflation of 2% in 2022/23, and that this was being held centrally pending agreement of any pay settlement, following which service budgets would be updated, and that these figures were not reflected in Table A.


It was reported that Table B on page 22 of the report, set out the proposed capital programme.  It was highlighted that other than some re-phasing of existing project expenditure, there had been no changes to the previously approved capital programme relating to the Public Protection and Communities services.


The Committee was invited to consider the report and comment on the budget proposals for consideration by the Executive at its meeting on 8 February 2022. During consideration of this item, the Committee raised the following comments:


·       Clarification as to whether in Table B, there was likely to be any expenditure in the columns depicted with zeros currently.  The Committee was advised that for the 2021/22 column, no further expenditure was expected in future years, and it was therefore not included in the following two columns of the table.  An explanation was also given to the rolling programme for the replacement of fire and rescue fleet vehicles and associated equipment; and that the difference between the two years was due to the timing of the expenditure, as some delays had been caused by Covid-19 and Brexit;

·       Reference was made to a number of other specific grants to be received, detailed in the last bullet point on page 18 of the report.  It was reported that the final settlement announcement was expected mid-February; and that these amounts would be included in the budget report going forward for Council consideration on 18 February 2022; and

·       One member enquired whether the new fire station at Leverton was included within the figures presented.  It was reported that property budget was reported as part of the corporate capital budget (from Corporate Property); and confirmation was given that Leverton fire station had not currently been budgeted for, but it was recognised as a future commitment.




That the budget proposal for the next financial year 2022/23 for the Council’s Public Protection and Communities services be received and that the comments raised by the Committee be forwarded on to the Executive for consideration at its meeting on 8 February 2022.


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