Agenda item

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire Service

(To receive a report from Sara Gregory, Commissioning Manager – Children’s Strategic Commissioning, which provides the Schools’ Forum with an update on the Healthy Minds Lincolnshire Service and seeks support on the future funding recommendations for Healthy Minds Lincolnshire from the High Needs block of the Designated Schools Grant)


Consideration was given to a report from Sara Gregory, Commissioning Manager – Children’s Strategic Commissioning, which provided an update on the Healthy Minds Lincolnshire Service and sought support from the Forum on the future funding recommendations for Healthy Minds Lincolnshire from the High Needs block of the DSG.


The Forum noted that Healthy Minds Lincolnshire was an emotional wellbeing service for Lincolnshire children and young people aged 0 to 19 (25 SEND and/or Care Leaver) experiencing low to moderate emotional wellbeing concerns. 


The service had been commissioned by the Council since 1 October 2017 and was provided by Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) through a Partnership Agreement made under Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006.  It was highlighted that the current agreement was due to end on 31 August 2022.  The current annual value of the service was £2m per annum, 50% of which was funded through the Public Health Grant.  The Schools’ Forum had agreed at its meeting on 1 January 2017 that the remaining 50% of funding would be funded from the High Needs Block of the DSG, to increase staffing capacity and to meet a gap in schools being able to access low to moderate emotional wellbeing/mental health support for pupils who did not meet the criteria for more specialist intervention.


The report referred to the service delivery of Healthy Minds Lincolnshire; the proposal for the future delivery of the service; and information relating to the review of the service.


The Forum was advised of the planned monetary diversion and saving to the DSG starting from September 2022 of the £1m annual investment.


It was noted that a wider review of emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Lincolnshire was commencing, which was likely to result in some changes to existing services.  It was noted further that engagement with schools and colleges was key to the review; and that work was also being undertaken with LPFT and the Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure that any further funding needed was met from wider expected health investment.  It was highlighted that as a system it was important to maximise resources, minimise duplication and to ensure that the expertise of staff working with children and young people, in mental health services were maintained throughout.


During consideration of the report, one member acknowledged the massive impact of being part of the pilot around mental health support had been to some children, who would not have had access to support quite as easily as they had, and that this had made a massive difference in some schools.  Appreciation was also extended for all the support that the healthy minds service provided, and to the inclusion of Spalding in a future Wave.


The Chairman on behalf of the Forum extended thanks to Sara Gregory for the presentation.




That the report be noted and that support be given to on the future funding recommendations for Healthy Minds Lincolnshire, from the High Needs Bock of the Designated Schools Grant.

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