Agenda item

Community Pain Management Service - Update

(To receive a report from the NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, which provides the Committee with an update on the Community Pain Management Service (CPMS).  A senior representative from Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group will be in attendance for this item)


The Committee considered a report from NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (LCCG), which provided an update on the Community Pain Management Service (CPM).


The Chairman invited Tim Fowler, Associate Director of Contracting and Performance, to remotely, present the item to the Committee.


In guiding the Committee through the report reference was made to: the background behind the service; the LCCG commentary, which included a Covid-19 update, quality reporting and key performance indicator information.


In conclusion, the Committee was advised that the CPMS had made improvements in access and performance over the last six months, and it was expected that these would be sustained for future months.  It was also highlighted that the service continued to be commissioned and delivered in accordance with the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and British Pain Society guidance.


The Committee was also advised that no quality concerns had been identified, and that reported patient’s experiences, and outcomes were good.


Appendix A provided Key Performance Indicator summary details for the period April 2021 to January 2022 for consideration by the Committee.


During consideration of the item, the Committee raised the following comments:


·       The type of treatment offered to patients.  The Committee noted that the service was delivered in accordance with the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and British Pain Society guidance.  However, it was noted that in some circumstances patients did continue to receive injections;

·       The strain of chronic pain on an individual’s mental health.  One member enquired whether people were being referred to the service by GPs in a timely way.  The Committee was advised that GPs were all well aware of the service; but there was unfortunately no evidence that patients were being referred at the right time.   One member also highlighted that someone not being referred in a timely manner could also have an impact on their mental health and in some circumstances could lead to suicide. The Associate Director agreed to look into the matter further and report back if there were any concerns regarding referrals and whether there was a link to suicide rates;

·       Clarification was given that the data provided was point-in-time data;

·       What was the outcome from the CCG raising the issues found from the negative feedback with Connect Health and what lessons had been learnt.    The Committee noted that no issues had been raised;

·       Had the pandemic affected the level of demand for the service.  The Committee was advised that the demand for service had slightly reduced, but had now started to return to normal levels; and

·       Confirmation was given that the contract was due for renewal in April 2024.




1.      That the Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group be thanked for presenting information on the Community Pain Management Service.


2.      That the Committee’s consideration of regular updates on the Community Pain Management Service since October 2019 be noted and in view of the sustained improvement of the service and positive patient feedback, no further updates be received, unless a significant change in performance of the service would merit the Committee’s consideration.

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