Agenda item

Lincolnshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022

(To receive a report from Lucy Gavens, Consultant, Public Health on behalf of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Steering Group and Andrzej Gallas, Pharmacist, University of Lincoln, which asks the Board to receive and  approve the draft PNA 2022 document for consultation)



The Chairman invited Lucy Gavens, Consultant in Public Health and Andrzej Gallas, Pharmacist, University of Lincoln, to present the item to the Board.


The Board was advised of the background to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA); that completion of a PNA was a statutory duty for Health and Wellbeing Boards to undertake at least every three years; the timetable for the PNA for Lincolnshire, it was highlighted that a draft PNA was being prepared to go out to consultation between 19 April and 19 June 2022, with a final draft of the PNA needing to be published by 1 October 2022.


To prepare the report the Board noted that data was gathered from pharmacy contractors, dispensing GP practices, pharmacy users and other residents, and from a range of sources including commissioners and planners.  The Board noted further that the draft/final PNA report would provide information relating to present and future needs of pharmaceutical services in Lincolnshire.


Attached to the report for consideration by the Board was a copy of the Lincolnshire Draft PNA 2022 (Appendix A), the Lincolnshire Draft PNA Appendices 2022 (Appendix B), and a copy of the Consultation Distribution List (Appendix C).


It was noted that during the consultation period, a workshop would be set up by members of the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire to review the draft PNA.


The Board was advised that the results of the consultation would be considered by the PNA Steering Group at its meeting on 5 July 2022, and a final draft PNA produced, with recommendation for the Health and Wellbeing Board to publish, at its meeting on 27 September 2022.  It was highlighted that the PNA Steering Group had worked closely with the county council’s Corporate Engagement Team and PNA Guidance, to ensure due process was followed and that every opportunity was made available for people to feed into the draft PNA.


During consideration of the item, the Board raised some of the following comments:


·       Some concern was expressed regarding access to pharmacy provision on a Sunday in rural areas.  The Board was reminded that the PNA was a factual document, which provided information relating to present need.  It was felt that once the Integrated Care Board was operational, pharmacy accessibility would be a matter for further discussion;

·       Clarification was sort regarding as to what the PNA was providing, as it appeared that there was not a fundamental need for change in provision. The Board noted that the PNA was a prescribed document; and that there was enough provision based on the criteria.  Section 7 of the report advised the Board of the procedure to be followed for consultation was on a notional approach, notwithstanding that more might be required.  It was highlighted that the only objection that could be made against the PNA was against the process followed;

·       Reassurance was given that key interest groups were involved in the consultation. The district council representative offered district council assistance in promoting the consultation;

·       Whether on-line pharmacy companies would be consulted as part of the process.  It was reported that there were five on-line pharmacies, and that all of them had been contacted pre-engagement; and would be partaking in the public consultation. Confirmation was given that anyone on the pharmacy list for the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board area would be consulted;

·       One member enquired whether support was provided to members of the public wishing to complete the consultation form.  The Board was advised that Healthwatch Lincolnshire would be assisting with this; and once contact details were know, these would be shared with members of the Board; and

·       Reference was also made to the prevalence of chronic disease and illness on the east coast as referenced in 2.2.2 of Appendix A to the report.




1.      That the conclusions of the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) be noted.


2.      That the draft PNA be approved in preparation for consultation.


3.      That the planned consultation period on the draft PNA for Lincolnshire (Tuesday 19 April 2022 to Monday 19 June 2022) be noted.


4.      That a progress update and the project timelines from the ‘Lincolnshire PNA Steering Group’ on the production of the 2022 Lincolnshire PNA be received at a future meeting.

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