Agenda item

Integrated Care Partnership

(To receive a report from Michelle Andrew, Assistant Director Corporate Recovery – Place, which advises the Board on the ongoing development of Lincolnshire’s Integrated Care Board)



The Chairman invited Michelle Andrews, Assistant Director ICS - Corporate, to present the report to the Board, which advised on the ongoing development of Lincolnshire’s Integrated Care Board (ICB).


In guiding the Board through the report, reference was made to:


·       The background and context behind the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP);

·       The purpose of the ICP, and its role, which included helping people live independent, healthier lives for longer; taking a holistic view of people’s interactions with services across the system and the different pathways with in it; addressing inequalities in health and wellbeing outcomes, experiences and access to health services; improving the wider social determinants that drive the inequalities, employment, housing, employment, housing, education, environment and reducing offending; and improving life chances;

·       Timings and the establishment of ICPs. It was noted that the ICP could not be established formally until the ICB was in place from 1 July 2022;

·       The Integrated Care Strategy was a key responsibility of the ICP;

·       The relationship between the ICP and the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB).  It was noted that Lincolnshire only had one Integrated Care System (ICS) and that this area was coterminous with the HWB. It was noted further that the HWB could not act as the ICS, however existing arrangements such as the HWB, provided an opportunity to build greater alignment between different partners and communities, to ensure effective joined up decision making.  It was reported that planning for the Lincolnshire ICS was being progressed and as part of the journey to establishing the ICP, further engagement would be taking place with a broad range of partners to consider the challenges and opportunities as the system developed.  Details of the aim of the workshop was shown on page 176 of the report.  The Board noted that a workshop had been arranged for 26 April 2022; and

·       The process being followed after the guidance was issued in September 2021, which confirmed that the HWB could not act as an ICP, as further amendments were required, and that this work would align with the development of the ICP terms of reference.  It was highlighted that as the HWB was a committee of the Council, any changes to the terms of reference required full council approval.  It was reported that a revised terms of reference for the HWB would be presented to the Board at the 14 June 2022 meeting for consideration, and then presented to the Council on 16 September 2022.  If there was the need for the timeline to be put back, the Board would then consider the revised terms of reference at its 27 September 2022 meeting, which would then be considered by Council on 9 December 2022.


In conclusion, the Board noted that any plans concerning the ICP were subject to the passage of the Health and Care Bill through Parliament.  It was highlighted that to continue to progress, some assumptions had been made, whilst awaiting the final guidance.


During discussion of this item, some the following comments were made:


·       The need to work through the processes until the formal guidance was received; and

·       That Lincolnshire was one of only a small number of areas having one ICP and one HWB, on this basis the complexity was less than in other areas and this would hopefully avoid any duplication moving forward.




1.      That the current position in relation to the development of the ICP be noted.


2.      That the information provided regarding the proposed ICP planning and development workshop on 26 April 2022 be noted.

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