Agenda item

Lincolnshire's Community Mental Health Transformation Programme

(To receive a report from Sarah Connery, Chief Executive, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Nick Harwood, Associate Director of Operations for the Adult Mental Health and Community Division, which updates the Board on the Lincolnshire Community Mental Health Transformation Programme for adults and older adults)  



The Chairman invited Sarah Connery, Chief Executive, Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (LPFT) and Nick Harwood, Associate Director of Operations for the Adult Mental Health Community Division, to present the item, which provided the Board with an update on the Lincolnshire Community Mental Health Transformation Programme for adults and older adult.


The Board was advised that the NHS Long Term Plan and NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan had set out the ambition to transform the provision of community mental health care and to the development of new and integrated models of primary and community mental health care.


It was noted that Lincolnshire had been selected as one of twelve early implementer sites to lead the transformation of community health services in England in partnership with all local stakeholders.  It was noted further that LPFT had been successful in securing further funding to rollout county wide, and that the findings of the programme would be used to help inform the roll out of new models of integrated primary and community care at a national level.


Appendix A to the report provided details of Lincolnshire’s Community Mental Health Transformation Programme for Adults and Older Adults for consideration by the Board.


In a short presentation, the Board were advised of the following:


·       The background to the transformation programme;

·       An overview of the provision to be provided to improve mental health and wellbeing through thriving connected communities, including the integrated model for promoting self-efficacy;

·       What parts of the programme were already in place, which included the roll out of four of the proposed nine Integrated Place Based Teams; the development of better solutions to enable better system access; and alignment with the local authority to link together digital technologies to ensure a collaborative approach. Fuller details were shown on pages 189 to 190 of the report pack;

·       What parts of the programme were underway, which included working with primary care to embed Mental Health Practitioners in each GP practice; moving forward to engage with the public to destigmatise mental health, and working together with public health, CCG colleagues to lead out the innovative Lincolnshire Mental Health and Wellbeing training offer.  Fuller details were shown on page 191 of the report;

·       What was still to come, which included the roll out of 15 integrated based teams across the county; having a dedicated engagement resource in place to ensure clear messaging and the involvement of all people; and ensuring that everyone had a personalised care plan.  Further details were shown on page 192 of the report pack;

·       The Committee noted that the transformation would enable the following to become available in the community, this included countywide night-life cafes and community connections; fluid pathways for people to access mental health services; the provision of an integrated digital offer to support face to face engagement; continuous and active dialogue about mental health; ongoing training and upskilling of communities to enable thriving communities; reducing mental health prescribing, with a more comprehensive offer of psychological therapies; ensuring everyone would have a ‘What matters to me plan’; and the move to a four week waiting times for adults and older adults community mental health teams, in line with the clinically-led review of NHS Access Standards; and

·       The Board was advised that by 2024 there would be 15 Integrated Place Based Teams working on Primary Care led neighbourhoods; an increased investment of up to £1 million into the VCSE sector; the provision of an additional 200 roles; and that 6,000 people would have been supported by Integrated Place Based Teams.


During consideration of the item, the Board raised some of the following comments:


·       Some support was expressed to the working with primary care to embed mental health in each GP practice and to support plans, and to the overall transformation process;

·       Crisis Cafes provision.  It was reported that crisis cafes would help take of some of pressures felt with in the service.  The Board was advised that cafes were available in Gainsborough, Grantham, Lincoln City and Boston and that further provision would be made available.  It was highlighted that there had been some difficulty finding hosts willing to take on the crisis cafes in some areas. There was recognition that there was more to do in this regard;

·       The need for integrated working and linking into existing digital platforms to ensure sustainability;

·       The challenges of recruiting and retaining staff.  The Board was advised that LPFT were exploring different types of recruitment methods to overcome recruitment challenges; and

·       Thanks were extended for the presentation.


Derek Ward left the meeting at 15:56pm.




That the presentation on Lincolnshire Community Mental Health Transformation Programme be received and noted.



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