Agenda item

Volunteering in Lincolnshire

(To receive a report from Ben Rollett, Voluntary Centre Services, which provides an update from Voluntary Centre Services and Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service about the role, impact, and future developments in volunteering across Lincolnshire)


Consideration was given to a report from Lee Sirdifield, Assistant Director – Corporate, which provided the Committee with an update from Voluntary Centre Services (VCS) and Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LCVS) about the role, impact, and future developments in volunteering across Lincolnshire.


The Chairman invited Lee Sirdifield, Assistant Director – Corporate, and Ben Rollett, Chief Executive at Voluntary Centre Services, to present the item to the Committee.


In guiding the Committee through the report, reference was made to some of the following:


·       The impact of Covid-19 on volunteering. It was noted that over the last two years VCS/LCVS had supported over 3,000 people to volunteer locally in a variety of roles from the initial emergency response to the vaccination programme and traditional volunteering roles;

·       The Lincolnshire legacy. It was reported that the VCS/LCVS were working alongside colleagues within the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF) and Voluntary Engagement Team (VET) to develop a long-term approach to supporting volunteers to help in emergency situations.  It was highlighted that the Lincolnshire Volunteers programme would build upon and harness the momentum that had been developed around volunteering, creating a lasting legacy for Lincolnshire;

·       It was highlighted that as Covid restrictions had eased the VCS/LCVS had seen an increase in the need for volunteers in the more traditional roles.  It was noted that in comparison to two years previously, there were now over 300 active roles on VCS/LCVS systems;

·       The findings of the Volunteering Annual Survey. The Committee was advised that the survey had been completed by 162 people, and it aimed to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted on volunteering habits across Lincolnshire and identify volunteer motivations, barriers to volunteering and any volunteer support needs.  The key finding of the survey was detailed on pages 17 to 20 of the report presented; and

·       The priority areas for volunteer centres during 2022/23, these were shown on page 20 of the report.


In conclusion, the Committee noted that the survey had provided a useful insight into the view of those volunteering in Lincolnshire.  It was noted further that the findings of the survey would help enhance services provided by VSC/LCVS and deliver the ambitions of the community strategy in terms of supporting access to different types of volunteering activity.


During consideration of this item, the Committee raised some of the following comments:


·       Personal experience of some members in their volunteering roles.  Particular thanks were also extended to South Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council for setting up the volunteering groups throughout the pandemic and also to the NHS and volunteers for their continued support;

·       Response from NHS responders.  The Committee was advised that the role of NHS volunteers during the last two years had made a huge difference.  The Committee was advised further that VCS worked closely with NHS volunteers co-ordinators to promote volunteering opportunities;

·       The massive amount of support given to foodbanks by volunteers, particular reference was made to the St Giles foodbank and the stress put on some volunteers.  There was recognition that there were strains and stresses with volunteering and that was why work was being done to identify what support was needed and how best to provide that support;

·       Areas volunteers were most attracted to.  The Committee noted that volunteers were attracted to various roles, within the different groups for various different reasons;

·       The need for better promotion of volunteering opportunities and for extending thanks to those who tirelessly volunteer.  There was recognition that more needed to be done to publicise volunteering roles within the community;

·       How training was delivered to volunteers.  The Committee was advised that over 200 volunteers had received e-learning training, such as health and safety, induction, and safeguarding.  It was reported that this provision was to be widened out to existing volunteers.  Confirmation was also given that there had been no problems accessing DBS checks, prior to the pandemic the checks had been paper based, but the process was now all on-line.  There was recognition that the on-line facilities were not always the preferred option for all and that CVS/LCVS had supported organisations with the process;

·       Whether ‘Help my Street’ was a useful tool to help engage volunteers.  It was reported that ‘Help my Street’ had worked well through the pandemic, as volunteers had been able to register and get involved.  Going forward, it was felt the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) ‘Good Neighbourhood Scheme’ would provide a platform to assist traditional volunteering roles as well;

·       What methods of engagement were being used to encourage volunteers to complete the survey, as only 162 volunteer out of 3,000 had completed the annual survey.  The Committee was advised that the questions were now starting to being asked as part of everyday business, to build up a more effective data base of information; and

·       That paragraph 1.13 first bullet point needed expanding to beyond three years, as it was felt that lots of volunteers volunteered for longer periods of time.   Confirmation was given that this was the case, and that the category needed broadening.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the presenters for an informative presentation.




That the Volunteering in Lincolnshire report be received and that the comments raised by the Committee be noted.

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