Agenda item

Social Connections

(To receive a report by Sean Johnson, Public Health Programme Manager , and Semantha Neal, Assistant Director – Prevention and Early Intervention – Public Health, which invites the Committee to consider a report which provides details on the actions taken by Lincolnshire County Council to reduce loneliness and social isolation)


Consideration was given to a report by the Assistant Director – Prevention and Early Intervention and the Public Health Programme Manager, which invited the Committee to consider a report on Social Connections.


Members were referred to appendix A to the report, the Social Connection discussion paper, which defined social isolation and loneliness, considers the impacts on different cohorts of people, and listed some of the services currently provided by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and others which sought to create the conditions for social connection.


It had previously been suggested that LCC might create a social isolation or social connections strategy. However, following the completion of the social care discussion paper, it had been concluded that social connections should continue to be within the remit of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the developing Integrated Partnership, rather than have its own standalone strategy. It was proposed that the creation of a strategy would add no material value nor should the issues be considered in isolation.


The report suggested that improving social connections should continue to sit within the remit of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the developing Integrated Care Partnership and was already reflected within the priorities of the health and wellbeing strategy.


It was also proposed that improved visibility of needs was developed through the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which would support commissioning decisions by the Board/Partnership and its constituent members.


Consideration was given to the report and during the discussion the following points were noted:


  • The increase in people experiencing loneliness and social isolation was recognised.
  • The cost implications of deteriorating health as a result of social isolation and loneliness were emphasised and therefore a preventative approach was recommended. 
  • The importance of physical touch in responding to loneliness was highlighted as a consideration.
  • Volunteer and community groups were credited as a key part of combating social isolation. The Committee highlighted the importance of encouraging people to join community groups. 
  • It was suggested that some commercial and commissioning activities be refocussed to ensure a focus on reducing loneliness. Officers confirmed that this was considered, for example in the current recommissioning of the carers and equipment services and a review of the wellbeing service, all of which had requirements to report on social isolation. The council engaged regularly with services to ensure a focus on new of emerging needs and in the locations with greatest needs. 
  • It was agreed that report on day services be scheduled for a future meeting of the Committee.
  • It was suggested the Council used the County Magazine, Dial-a-Ride or other media outlets to highlight available services and community group offers.
  • Connect to Support Lincolnshire was a web-based service directory which allowed people to identify physical assets, buildings and venues which could be used for community group session as well as highlighting services in place already. The need for non-online services to target some of the more vulnerable groups was recognised.
  • The customer service centre had been trained to operate with a guided approach to conversations and create a condition where conversations could be reframed to identify the true needs of the individual.
  • It was suggested that the absence of street lighting at certain times could be a barrier to social connection for some people.
  • It was acknowledged that Covid-19 had contributed to social isolation, particularly as many individuals still felt unsafe in social environments.
  • It was suggested that Members familiarised themselves with the Lets Talk Lincolnshire website to identify whether there was a need for a future report.
  • The collection of data and analysis of trends continued to take place to better assess need within services. Members were encouraged to keep submitting data and use referral pathways. The Joint Strategic Asset Assessment (JSAA) worked to build data and identify gaps within services and assets, creating an opportunity for members of the public to identify places for volunteer or community groups. A report on the JSAA would be scheduled in due course.
  • The difficulties with engaging directly with all the volunteer groups in Lincolnshire were acknowledged. The Council had allocated some funding to the local voluntary sector which would provide an opportunity for them to express themselves at a strategic level and strengthen their voice.
  • The Committee expressed a preference for a focus on loneliness to be included in the JSNA as a priority in tackling social isolation.




1.      That the report be noted and the comments be taken into consideration.

2.      That a system-wide approach through the review and development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) to improve visibility of local needs, shaping all agencies approaches to reducing social isolation and loneliness be supported as a priority.

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