Agenda item

Childhood Obesity

(To receive a report from Andy Fox, Consultant Public Health, which provides the Board with an overview of the 2020/21 National Child Measurement Programme data and Lincolnshire’s plans for addressing this issue)



The Board considered a report from Andy Fox, Consultant Public Health, which provided an overview of the 2020/21 National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) data and Lincolnshire’s plans for addressing the issues.


In guiding the Board through the report reference was made to the national picture which had seen a sharp increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity, particularly amongst the most deprived areas and the potential impact for Lincolnshire, with Lincolnshire historically having slightly higher levels of childhood obesity than the national average.  Table 1 on page 110 provided percentage point increases in obesity and severe obesity, England 2020/21; and Table 2, on page 110 provided the Board with information relating to the difference in percentages of obesity and severe obesity between the most and least deprived areas.  It was highlighted that severe obesity in deprived areas had not been expected to have been nearly six times higher in the most deprived areas than in the least deprived areas and that this represented a significant, and worsening, inequality in health.


To help address the situation in Lincolnshire, the Board was advised that the County Council’s Public Health Division was developing a new Child & Family Weight Management Service (CFWM), which would be delivered via the Integrated Lifestyle Service, and that funding had been ringfenced, and agreed to enable this to be piloted for a two year period.  It was reported that the service was to commence in the summer of 2022.  The pilot would supplement the support provided by schools, and via the 0-19 Children’s Health Service, and provide a referral route for children identified as being overweight. 


Attached at Appendix A to the report was a copy of the 2019/2020 NCMP Lincolnshire data summary; and Appendix B provided a copy of the draft service specification for the Lincolnshire Child and Family Weight Management Service for the Board to consider.


The Board was also advised that the CFWM provider, One You Lincolnshire, were working closely with the Council’s NCMP team to ensure a seamless referral into the service.  It was noted that the CFWM service would work with a range of referral partners, including schools, GPs, and paediatric services, which would help support the development of a ‘whole system’ approach to childhood obesity in the county.


It was highlighted in addition to delivering the CFWM, the Council provided several other services, which included Family Hubs and Children’s Centres who could play an important role in addressing childhood obesity through family based support.  The Board was also advised that over the next three years the Council would be expanding the county’s Holidays Activities and Food programme for school children up to year 11 who were in receipt of free-school meals.


During consideration of this Item, the Board raised some of the following comments:


(Note: Glen Garrod left the meeting at 3.53pm).


·       Support was extended for the service, and for the need to be able to motivate children and young people to bring about change in their life at an early stage;

·       The rise in the cost of living and the pressures that was putting on families in the more deprived areas, who were relying more and more on food banks.  There was recognition that it was going to be a challenge going forward, but the system approach would make a difference;


(Note: Councillor C E H Marfleet left the meeting at 3.55pm).


·       Inequalities across the county.  The Board noted that resources would be targeted in areas that were most in need; and that models would be built to work in communities.  It was highlighted that there would be differences and that district councils would be involved in the process; and

·       It was also highlighted that wrap around services needed to be in place to ensure continuity of provision.


(Note: Heather Sandy left the meeting at 3.56pm).




              That the Childhood Obesity report presented be noted.

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