Agenda item

Performance of the Library Service Contract - Six Year Review Report

(To receive a report from Louise Egan, Library and Heritage Client Lead, which provides the Committee with an update on the performance of the Library service contract)


Consideration was given to a report from Louise Egan, Library and Heritage Client Lead, which provided the Committee with an update of the contract performance of the sixth year of the out-sourced library contract to Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL). 


The Chairman invited the Library and Heritage Client Lead to present the report to the Committee.  Diana Edmonds MBE, National Libraries Director for GLL was also in attendance for this item.


The Committee was advised that GLL had brought vast improvements to the library service across the region, and that the performance for year six had been no different.  Page 155 of the report pack, and Appendix C to the report provided performance details for the Committee to consider.  The Committee noted that despite some closure periods during year-six, the core library services had been visited over half a million times; and that over one million physical stocks had been issued.  It was also reported that the service had received nearly 400,000 digital issues from customers using on-line facilities from their own homes; and that the service had also received half a million website visits.


The Committee noted that there was no doubt that the pandemic had brought about changes in how library stock was accessed and used, however, indications were that the pandemic had not resulted in a simple shift from physical to digital. Pages 144 and 145 of the report pack provided further information in this regard.


Appendix A to the report provided details of the library service – contract components and Appendix B provided information relating to the six-year review of social value.


Reference was also mentioned to IT infrastructure development and how important IT had been through the pandemic, particularly customers bringing in their own devices and using Wi-Fi provision within libraries; and the development of library hubs and the benefits that had given to communities.


In conclusion, the Committee was advised that GLL would continue to focus on the recovery of the service during year seven, which included encouraging people back to the service to make the most of the facilities within their communities.


During consideration of the item, the Committee raised some of the following comments:


·       Thanks were extended to the fantastic facilities provided by library hubs and to the work being done with communities;

·       The time taken to re-open the Ermine Library Hub;

·       The progress being made on the Grantham library transferring to GLL. The Committee was advised that work was still ongoing with colleagues in property services to find an alternative site to transfer to, to relocate the library service;

·       Support was extended to the issuing of craft and activity packs to children and that it was hoped that with more sponsorship more of this would happen in the future.  It was reported that the packs were initially created out of need as customers could not get in physically.  But, as a result of the take-up being so great, it was now part of the standard offer;

·       The success of tea and coffee mornings and that more people were slowly coming back to have a cup of tea and a natter; and

·       The importance of the social value the library service realises for communities.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended thanks to the presenter.




That the performance of the Library Service Contract – Six Year Review Report presented be received and that support be given to the development of future Actions for year seven; and that the comments raised by the Committee be noted.      


Note: Councillor K E Lee wished it to have it recorded that she had abstained from voting.

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