Agenda item

Children in Care Performance Report Quarter 4

(To receive a report from Head of Service – Fostering, Adoption and Leaving Care, which invites the Panel to consider and comment on the Children in Care Performance measures for Quarter 4 of 2021/22)


Consideration was given to a report by the Assistant Director – Children’s which invited the Panel to consider key performance information for Quarter 4 of 2021/22 that was relevant to the work of the Panel.


Of the 18 measures reported, 10 had not met their target and two were ahead of the target set by the services. Performance continued to be impacted by the affects of the pandemic.


Details of those measures that had not met their target were provided and were detailed within the report.


The Panel noted the difficulties in recruiting foster carers following the pandemic due to lifestyle changes.


Despite not meeting the targets, the number of children with up-to-date health checks, immunisations and dental checks was improving.


The impact of the pandemic on Children in Care had seen a disruption to learning, impacting on targets. It was hoped that performance in this area would begin to improve.


Consideration was given to the report and during the discussion the following points were noted:


  • The covid-19 pandemic and lockdown had increased the challenges presented by young people, however there was also seen to be a trend in the increase in challenges presented generally, which had begun to be addressed. Reassurance was provided that the Council were supporting young people who could not be safely placed in foster care placements. A disability respite facility with a residential home and therapeutic care was available for children posing more difficult behaviours. Residential staff were being supported to stabilise and regulate the emotions of the children with the hope of placing them back into a family environment. 
  • The Council were in the process of increasing their residential estate to eliminate the need to place children in out of county care provision.
  • The Panel recorded their total support to staff working under extremely difficult times. The dedication and passion of foster carers and residential staff was commended.
  • It was questioned why numbers had of children in learning had not increased despite the Virtual Schools participated in the National Department for Education (DfE) Post 16 pilot which was completed at the end of March 2022. The Panel were reassured that despite the figures, the project had been extremely impactful, and it was hoped further funding could be provided to continue the work.
  • It was recognised all young people had individual challenges and it was important that their needs were met in a holistic and individual way, which only saw small increases in numbers within targets. It was also noted that as the cohort of children fluctuated regularly, data was difficult to report on.
  • It was requested that the Panel receive further details of the impactful work of the DFE project at a future meeting.
  • Reassurance was provided, that children in care had full and timely access to mental health support. The Lincolnshire Care Quality Commission (CAMHS) service had received a score of outstanding at a recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection. However, it was acknowledged that mental health issues in children were increasing. Support was being provided to foster carers to help support with mental health issues at an early stage.
  • It was explained that due to a lag in the reporting of data through the DfE, the absence rates for children in care detailed within the report were from the period of September 2020-July 2021. During this period of the pandemic, it was expected that looked after children would continue to attend school. However, in such challenges times, education was heavily disrupted and foster carers were making the decisions whether or not to send children to school, given the risks posed, which had impacted on the target for the period. Assurance was provided, that attendance had now improved.
  • The Panel were disappointed that 10 out of the 18 measures had not met the target but acknowledged that there were exceptional circumstances.
  • Support and recognition were given to all those looking after children and the Panel thanked them for efforts.




1.      That the report be received and endorsed.

That satisfaction be recorded on the performance reported and the assurance and reasoning provided on areas where the targets had not been achieved.

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