Agenda item

Corporate Plan Success Framework 2022/23 - Quarter 1

(To receive a report by Andrew McLean: Assistant Director - Corporate Transformation, Programmes & Performance, which invites the Board to consider a report on the Corporate Plan Success Framework 2022/23 - Quarter 1 prior to consideration by the Executive on 6 September 2022)


Consideration was given to a report by the Assistant Director – Corporate Transformation, programmes and Performance, which invited the Board to consider a report on the Corporate Plan Success Framework 2021/22 – Quarter 1, which was due to be reported to the Executive on 6 September 2022.


It was reported that all of the four ambitions were progressing as planned, based on both the key activities and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).  the full range of performance information could be found on the Council’s website.


It was noted that, of the 39 activities with milestones due to be reported in quarter 1, 100% were rated as either Progress within agreed limits or Progressing as planned.


In relation to Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) reported for quarter 1, it was reported that four had exceeded the ambition, 10 had achieved the ambition and six had not achieved the ambition.  It was also noted that there was a delay in the release of ONS data which meant that two performance indicators could not be reported in this quarter, although updates were provided in the report.


During discussion of the report, the following points were noted:

·       Staff absences - this indicator was above target, however, it was commented that due to the disruption which had taken place over the past two years, the performance was not too bad.

·       There were concerns about the long-term effects of isolation on mental health issues, and tit was thought that some of the damage caused was just starting to emerge.  It was queried what the Council could do to help its staff more.

·       It was noted that there was a lot of sickness in terms of colds and flu, but the days lost did focus more on mental health.  A number of initiatives had been launched to support staff including mental health first aiders, the Wellbeing Service, and a fitness challenge with One You Lincolnshire. 

·       In relation to benchmarking for sickness absence, Lincolnshire was performing well, and for Q4 was one of the best performing authorities in the area.

·       It was noted that there were still mental health challenges related to Covid-19 and lockdown, as well the recruitment challenges as more demands were being placed on existing staff.  Workplaces were also seeing more over 50’s retiring early, as an unintended consequence of the pandemic as people reassessed their work-life balance.

·       It was noted that the position in relation to staff turnover was starting to stabilise.

·       A query was raised regarding the measure relating to “Percentage of adults where source of risk was provider” which had been removed from the previous corporate plan.  Officers advised that this was something which had been discussed by the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee and largely related to the number of contacts that were received where the outcome was “no further action” as they related to quality issues rather than safeguarding issues.

·       It was clarified that the drop in the graph relating to PI 60 – “percentage of people who were asked what outcomes they wanted to achieve during an adult safeguarding enquiry” was due to a data capture issue and it was expected that this would be corrected for quarter 2.

·       It was confirmed that PI 60 was the only measure on the Corporate Plan related to adult safeguarding, however, the area of adult safeguarding was much more complex, as there was an Adult Safeguarding Panel, and there was a huge amount of work which went into safeguarding and it needed to be acknowledged that this was something that the authority took very seriously.

·       In terms of the waste performance, it was queried whether there was more which could be done, particularly in relation to recycling, such as providing recycling bins in car parks etc.  It was suggested that simpler messaging around recycling would be beneficial for residents.

·       An announcement was still awaited from government in relation to separate food waste collections.

·       East Lindsey was the next district to roll out the twin stream collection of paper and card.  This would then be four out of the seven districts collecting paper and card separately.




1.    That the Board supports the recommendation to the Executive as set out in the report.

2.    That a summary of the comments made be passed onto the Executive as part of its consideration of this item



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