Agenda item

Multiply - Numeracy Programme Update

(To receive a report from Thea Croxall, Adult Learning & Skills Manager – Economic Development, which provides the Committee with an update on the Multiply Numeracy Programme 2022/23)


The Committee considered a report from Thea Croxall, Adult Learning & Skills Manager – Economic Development, which provided an update on the progress made to deliver the Multiply Programme in 2022/23.


Appendix A to the report provided details of the 2022/23 Multiply Programme - Location of Provision by Delivery Organisation for the Committee to consider and highlight any additional areas for consideration to meet the needs of businesses and constituents to inform future planning.


During consideration of this item, the Committee raised some of the following comments:


·       Assurance was sought as to whether funds allocated to the programme had been utilised up to 31 March 2023.  The Committee was advised that all the money allocated would be spent in year one;

·       The teaching of entrepreneurial skills through crafting in Lincolnshire, one member enquired as crafting was expensive to get started in, whether any money was available to help individuals to get set up;  The Committee was advised that there was not any further funding through the programme, however, through the wider adult learning programme, courses were available such as setting up your own business, which would make the learner aware of grants that might be able available to apply for;

·       The uptake of for numeracy courses undertaken by prisoners, or those recently released from prison.  The Committee was advised that to date, there had been very little interest.  It was however noted that a lot of partnership working was being done with organisations such as Lincolnshire Action Trust to raise awareness and increase interest to ensure that this vulnerable group was included;

·       Of the nineteen projects received, seventeen were shown on pages 63 and 64. For the two not included, what criteria had not been met.  It was reported that one provider who had been offered a project unfortunately did not have the capacity to deliver that and another project.  The Committee noted that one of the biggest challenges was ensuring there was provision across Lincolnshire for the ten interventions being delivered;

·       What could be done better going forward to attract more participants. The Committee noted that some really creative programmes were coming forward to help bring maths to life, such as money management and feeding your family, which would be delivered in a more practical way, making it more relevant for the people of Lincolnshire;

·       Whether there was an expectation for the projects to carry on in the coming years or whether providers would have to re-apply. It was reported that projects were monitored monthly, to ensure that providers had met the target they signed up for at the beginning of the programme.  Later in the programme, officers would then be looking at the impact of the programme on individual learners; and

·       What support was offered to providers delivering the programme.  The Committee was advised that there was experienced staff already in place who supported adult learning providers, and they were using those skills to support organisations delivering the Multiply programme, in terms of empathy, promoting courses, engaging with learners etc.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the presenter.




That the progress made to deliver the Multiply Programme for 2022/23 be received and that the comments raised by the Committee during debate be taken into consideration.   

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