Agenda item

The work of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership: Reducing Reoffending

(To receive a report from Zoe Walters, Community Safety Strategy Co-Ordinator, which provides the Committee with an overview of the actions undertaken by the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership to tackle proven reoffending in Lincolnshire)




Consideration was given to a report from Zoe Walters, Community Safety Strategy Co-Ordinator, which provided an overview of the actions being undertaken by the Reducing Reoffending Core Priority Group (RRO CPG), including key areas of activity to be completed under the new delivery plan.


It was reported that the current Delivery Plan (April 2022 – March 2025) focused of female offenders; and those aged 18-24; and aimed to provide alternatives to the Criminal Justice System, that would lead to a reduction in repeat offending.  The Committee noted that work was in the very early stages of planning and delivery, and that more in-depth information on specific areas could be made available for the Committee to consider at a future meeting.


The Committee was advised of the Integrated Offender Management (IOM) and the IOM Cohort details; the Lincolnshire Women’s Strategy: Supporting Women and Girls at Risk of entering the Criminal Justice System (further details were provided on page 72 of the report); the Lincolnshire Prisoner Release Housing Protocol (further details were provided on page 73 of the report); and the Lincolnshire Mental Health Treatment Requirement Programme Site (details of which were provided on pages 73 and 74 of the report).


In conclusion, the Committee noted that the remit of the Reducing Re-offending Core Priority Group was numerous and varied due to the complexity of the priority areas on which it was focused. It was noted that the work streams being focused on were evidence based and included a focus on diversion and early intervention.  It was noted further that the work streams evidenced strong partnership working with external partners and across Directorates within the council. 


During consideration of this item, the Committee raised some of the following comments were raised:


·       The measures that were in place to reduce reoffending.  It was reported that the various work streams mentioned in the report were targeted at a particular area to address the factors.  It was highlighted that a performance framework was being developed around some of the elements mentioned in the report; and that further information in this regard could be made available to the Committee at a future meeting;

·       Whether prisoners when discharged were provided with a help pack. It was reported that there were numerous support mechanisms in place to help prisoners.  Reference was made to the departure lounge that was being led by the Lincolnshire Action Trust; and the partnership approach in terms of how to get their initial supervision appointment; links to the Department for Works and Pensions for their benefits; maintaining abstinence from substances; and the role of the Community Offender Manager within Probation etc;

·       The success of the Manchester approach regarding mental health problems;

·       Some members felt that they were not able to scrutinise, as more information was necessary, as to what was being done regarding each area of work.  A request was made for a further report with reference to one or more of the workstreams being highlighted, which would help the Committee understand the subject better and improve their knowledge in what was a very complex area of understanding.  It was felt that the inclusion of links to other documents would assist members in their quest for further information;

·       Further clarification was sought regarding the Lincolnshire adopted cohorts (shown on page 71 of the report pack); and 

·       Some concern was expressed that the Lincolnshire Women’s Strategy advised that Lincolnshire was behind other areas in providing women’s services and an explanation was sought as to why this was the case.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the presenter.




That the report presented be received, and that further in-depth reports be received in relation to the various work streams be presented to future meetings of the Committee.







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