Agenda item

Resettlement Schemes and Asylum Dispersal in Lincolnshire

(To receive a report by Semantha Neal, Assistant Director – Prevention and Early Intervention, and Lauren Grosvenor – Resettlement Programme Manager, which provides a further update on refugee resettlement schemes and asylum dispersal)


The Committee considered a report from Semantha Neal, Assistant Director Prevention and Early Intervention and Lauren Grosvenor, Resettlement Programme Manager, which provided a further update on refugee resettlement schemes and asylum dispersal.


The Chairman invited Semantha Neal, Assistant Director Prevention and Early Intervention to present the item to the Committee.


Further to the report, the Committee was advised that the High Court would be hearing the West Lindsey District Council case with regard to RAF Scampton on Thursday 11 May 2023.


The Committee also noted that in respect of other asylum seekers schemes, whilst further information was indicated as being expected, no further information had been received regarding guidance or funding.


During consideration of this item, the following points were noted:


·       Some concern was expressed to the lack of information relating to the Home Office proposal for RAF Scampton; the welfare and wellbeing of the asylum seekers, with particular reference being made to the proposed shipping container type of accommodation.  The Committee noted that the understanding was that the proposed accommodation would be a type of portable unit, quite often used for temporary accommodation, which was believed would have its own fresh water and sewage attached to it.  One member advised that such a container had arrived in Britain, and it was the type of accommodation used by oil rig workers;

·       The infrastructure impact of the proposed asylum seekers on Lincoln and the village of Scampton itself.  Reassurance was given that the three Chief Executives and Leaders of the City of Lincoln, West Lindsey District Council and the County Council were holding weekly meetings to discuss the impacts and risks of the proposal. It was highlighted that they were also meeting with Leaders and Chief Executives of other larger sites, as RAF Scampton was not the only large site being proposed.  Meetings were also being held regularly with the Local Government Association.  The Committee was also advised that a weekly call was continuing with the Home Office, with local organisations to express the local concerns and a request had been made for a clear assurance framework around the concerns raised.  It was also highlighted that the three Lincolnshire Leaders had written to the Robert Jenrick MP expressing their concerns and requesting a meeting with him, but as yet, no response had been received;

·       Some general comments were raised with regard to the country’s asylum seekers situation, the time taken to process applications and the impact that was having on those waiting for their claims to be processed, and the complex issues that posed; and the extreme politics presenting themselves concerning RAF Scampton;

·       Reassurance was given that local MPs had been involved concerning the proposals for RAF Scampton, and that West Lindsey District Council was fighting the case against the proposals. Councillor J Brockway agreed to forward officer contact details on to Councillor K E Lee to enable her to find out further information concerning RAF Scampton;

·       Some support was extended to the success of the Homes for Ukraine Resettlement Scheme; and the need for more housing to help Ukrainian guests, as well as local people desperate for housing.  The Committee noted that the government had identified some additional funding specifically to build accommodation for refugees likely to be here for a longer term in three District Council areas, which was anticipated to be extended to others, but to date no further funding announcement had been made;

·       It was reported that with the Afghan resettlement, a request would be made to local housing authorities to identify appropriate housing stock.  It was highlighted that there were very tight rules as to what could be provided.  It was noted that there was not an expectation that the house would come fully furnished, but it would have to be suitable for occupation; and

·       The Committee was advised that unaccompanied asylum seekers would be assessed and dependent on their needs, there was contractual arrangement in place as well as foster care arrangements for young people.  Reassurance was given that any provision was closely monitored to make sure that any agreed placement was safe for the longer term.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the presenter.




1.      That the Resettlement Schemes and Asylum Dispersal in Lincolnshire report presented be received and endorsed.


2.     That the Committee’s satisfaction with the developments in Lincolnshire be recorded, given that we are a County with less experience to resettlement in comparison to other areas nationally.


3.     That assurance be received that robust governance and operational arrangements are in place to respond to national policy requirements as they emerge.


4.      That the comments made during debate be taken into consideration by relevant officers and portfolio holders.

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