Agenda item

Culture, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within Fire and Rescue

(To receive a report from Mark Baxter, Chief Fire Officer, which outlines to the Committee the work Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue has done and is committed to ensuring there is continual improvement within culture, equality, diversity and inclusion for staff)


Consideration was given to a report from Mark Baxter, Chief Fire Officer, which outlined to the Committee the work that Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue (LFR) had done, and was committed to in ensuring there was continual improvement with Culture and Equality and Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for LFR staff.


The Chairman invited Mark Baxter, Chief Fire Officer, to present the report to the Committee, which made reference to the background behind the local and national focus on culture within Fire and Rescue Services; the report released by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Service (HMICFRS) on ‘values and culture in fire and rescue services’ which summarised what had been identified across the Fire Sector during round two of the inspection (2021/2022); and the work carried out by LFR.


It was highlighted that LFR had placed culture and EDI as a high priority agenda for service improvement. It was noted that commitment by the service over the last few years had shown a positive direction of travel in these areas, which had been reflected within staff engagement.  Reassurance was given that culture and EDI would continue to evolve and develop to ensure that the people of Lincolnshire received the highest standards for Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue.


The Committee was advised that LFR had just completed round three inspection by HMICFRS, and that at the time of the meeting feedback was still awaited. The report presented evidenced how culture and EDI was developing within LFR.


Appendix A to the report provided a copy of the LFR Culture booklet; Appendix B provided details of the Leadership Stocktake 2023; and Appendix C provided a copy of the EDI Action Plan for the Committee to consider.


Thanks were extended from the Executive Councillor for Fire and Rescue, and Cultural Services to the Chief Fire Officer and his team for their commitment and for the report presented.


During consideration of this item, some of the following comments were noted:


·       Some members of the Committee extended their thanks for a well presented report;

·       Availability of staff, the Committee noted that the leadership staff survey in 2021 as detailed on page 31 highlighted that there were gaps regarding staff availability.  It was noted that this had been within the Covid-19 period.  The Committee noted that progress had been made in this regard and would continue to be made;

·       The positive impact of having external EDI face to face training, to ensure that staff truly understood why it was important to have on EDI;

·       A request was made for data to show a breakdown of the number of males and females within the service, and the diversity of ethnic groups.  The Committee was advised that the data was available and could be provided to members of the Committee.  It was highlighted that regarding recruitment, the service continually reviewed how it could make itself more attractive to under representative groups; why people were dropping out of the service; and why some people were not being able progress.  The Committee noted that active positive engagement sessions were held in all communities, and that focus was made on under represented groups to encourage them to think of fire and rescue as a career open to all;

·       Confirmation was given that background checks were made using the DBS checking system.  It was highlighted that all new recruits went through the standard checks, and that any staff working with vulnerable people had an enhanced DBS check;

·       It was reported that language had not caused any barriers, advertisements were produced in as many different languages as possible and were continually reviewed.  The service also provided courses for staff where English was not their first language, and that courses were tailored accordingly.  It was also highlighted that a successful ‘buddy system’ was in place to support people where English was not their first language; and more time was given for completion of some written and verbal examinations;

·       Support was extended to the easy to read ‘Thrive’ document and to the fact that the final document had been produced following engagement and input from staff;

·       Confirmation was given that Appendix C, the Action Plan had put extra workload on staff, but the benefits from the plan would actually improve the way the service preformed on a daily basis.  It was highlighted that it was a long-term commitment and officers and staff would be supported to continue with the work in progress;

·       Confirmation was given that a range of support was available to firefighters who were exposed to traumatic events and incidents; and

·       That data relating to the number of staff who had  completed the staff survey would be made available to members of the Committee after the meeting.


The Chairman extended thanks on behalf of the Committee to the Chief Fire Officer for his report.




1.      That the Culture, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion report presented be received.


2.      That comments and suggestions made in relation to the report be taken into consideration by relevant officers and portfolio holders.


3.      That the Committee’s satisfaction of the service’s overall efforts be recorded and that updates on the progression of actions against the recommendations within HMICFRS report be reported to the Committee in or after March 2024.

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