Agenda item

Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Annual Assurance Reports

(To receive a report from Derek Ward, Director of Public Health, which invites the Board to receive and comment on the information provided in the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Annual Assurance Reports to assure progress is being made to improve health and wellbeing in Lincolnshire.  Alison Christie, Programme Manager will be in attendance for this item)



The Board considered a report from Derek Ward, Director of Public Health, which provided annual assurance reports for each priority area of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy, so that the Board could be assured that progress was being made to improve health and wellbeing in Lincolnshire.


Alison Christie, Programme Manager was invited to present the information item to the Board.


Appendices A to G provided Annual Assurance reports from each of the delivery groups.  Reassurance was given that each JHWS group had been engaged in producing their annual report.




That the Annual Assurance reports presented as Appendices A to G to the report presented be noted.   

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