Agenda item

East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust - Performance

(To receive a report from East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS), which provides the Committee with an update on current EMAS performance in the Lincolnshire Division and to provide further assurance on progress made since the last visit to the Committee in October 2022. The following EMAS representatives will be in attendance for this item: Sue Cousland, Divisional Director and Neil Scott, Service Development Manager)


Consideration was given to a report from the East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS), which provided an update on current EMAS performance in the Lincolnshire Division since October 2022.


The Chairman invited the following representatives from EMAS to remotely, present the item to the Committee: Sue Cousland, Regional Director and Neil Scott, Service Development Manager.


The report highlighted local and national performance trends over the last six months as well as work being undertaken to mitigate some of the unique challenges faced by the Lincolnshire Division. It also contained details relating to quality initiatives; recruitment and retention; staff engagement; and future plans and investment through 2023/24.


During consideration of this item, the following comments were noted:


·       Thanks were extended to all EMAS staff for the service they provided;

·       It was noted that the improved performance during April 2023 was as a result of a combination of increased resources, decreased sickness/absences and a reduction in pre hospital handover times, and an increase in private ambulance provision.  It was noted further that private ambulance resource was being utilised whilst the workforce was being developed and trained and the use of private ambulances would cease over the next two years.  The extra resource had given the service the opportunity to improve; Reassurance was given that the skills set on the private ambulances was monitored;

·       It was reported that plans and initiatives were in place to help deal with winter pressures;

·       That more communication needed to be done to advise members of the general public of the services available to them, instead of just calling an ambulance;

·       The Clinical Operating Model of the Trust and the aspiration to implement a fully streamlined career escalator for staff at all levels. It was noted that this would support the enhancement of recruitment/retention opportunities;

·       That further information would be sought concerning the how effective the winter vaccination programme had been;

·       The role of the Clinical Navigator.  It was noted that clinical navigators were jointly appointed by EMAS and United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT), and their role was to liaise with ED colleagues and other departments; and to identify opportunities for new pathways for patients.  It was noted further that the role would be evolving and would be looking at the quality of outcomes for patients;

·       It was reported that ‘Chatty Cafes’ enabled senior managers to attend emergency departments once a quarter in each locality and listen to concerns and ideas from frontline staff.  It was noted that they were proving very popular with staff;

·       The Category 2 – Thirty Minute National Target 2023/24.  Figure 12 on page 29 of the report pack provided data in this regard;

·       The organisational plan aimed to bring the ambulance response time to Category 2 calls down to 30 minutes by the end of the 2023/24;

·       Information would be sought regarding whether the incidence of flu was far worse that Covid-19 during the increase activity in December 2022;

·       Confirmation was given that the service had seen the impact of the cost of living crisis;

·       Confirmation was given that there were no definitive national targets for the rates of emergency ambulance conveyance, ‘see and treat’ or ‘hear and treat’; and

·       It was reported that response times for category 2 of 30 minutes or 18 minutes was achievable at times when all factors in the process were aligned.




1.      That thanks be extended to the presenters from the East Midlands Ambulance Service and that the Committee welcomes:


a.      The improvements in ambulance response times since the peaks of December 2022; and

b.      The clinical navigator initiative at Lincoln Count Hospital and Pilgrim Hospital, Boston.


2.      That the Trust-wide investment of £23 million during 2023/24 leading to further improvements, particularly category two calls be noted, and that a further update be received in six months.


3.      That the Committee’s thanks to all the staff who work for East Midlands Ambulance Service for their dedication and efforts in often challenging circumstances be noted.  

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