Agenda item

Update on Adult Mental Health Services in Lincolnshire

(To receive a report from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT), which provides the Committee with an update on adult mental health services in Lincolnshire.  Chris Higgins, Director of Operations LPFT, Nick Harwood, Associate Director of Operations for Adult Community Division LPFT and Paula Jelly, Associate Director of Operations for Adult Inpatient and Urgent Care Division LPFT, will be in attendance for this item)


The Committee considered a report from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT), which provided an update on Adult Mental Health Services in Lincolnshire.


The Committee were reminded that in the previous year, the Committee had held a working group, which had considered various aspects of mental health provision, and as a result had requested an outline of the various new developments.  It was highlighted that at the 13 September 2023 meeting, the Committee would be continuing this theme, considering mental health services for children and young people, and for older adults. 


The Chairman invited the following representatives from LPFT to remotely, present the item to the Committee: Chris Higgins, Director of Operations, Nick Harwood Associate Director of Operations, Adult Community Division and Paula Jelly, Associate Director of Operations, Adult Inpatient and Urgent Care Division.


During consideration of this item, the following comments were noted:


·       The Trust were commended for the two new wards at the Peter Hodgkinson Centre, Lincoln, and the improved facilities they provided;

·       A request was made for the pathway for urgent care to include young people (16-18) pre-transition to adults ;

·       The Committee noted that anyone attending A & E at either Lincoln or Boston could be seen by a member of the mental health team and that this was available 24/7.  The Committee noted that the team would aim to see emergency referrals in A & E in one hour against a target of 80%, and that the team generally met this target 93% of the time.  From members personal experience, concerns were highlighted that this was not the case.  There was recognition that there had been some pressure on the east coast, and that steps were being taken to strengthen that provision;

·       That information would be provided to members of the Committee relating to the location of Night Light Cafés. The Committee was advised that all volunteers received training and support;

·       Confirmation was given that there was a system wide group that dealt with patients with a dual diagnosis, and there was recognition that there was more to do in this regard;

·       The Committee was advised that 75% of patients accessed talking therapies for anxiety and depression within 6 weeks and 95% of patients within 18weeks.  It was noted that where people were waiting for treatment, they were provided with a range of resources to help with self-care and any workbooks that might help them.  Information was also provided advising them of what to do if needs changed and they were in crisis, or if they needed help urgently, and that this included information about the county’s 24-hour mental health helpline;

·       It was reported that resources were being built up to support communities, which would then link into the crisis team;

·       The Committee noted that suicide prevention was high on the agenda of both public health and mental health teams.  It was however highlighted that not all suicide cases had been in contact with mental health services.  It was also recognised that support for those requiring mental health services across the county varied;

·       It was reported that promotion and training was undertaken to encourage people into mental health services through apprenticeships; growing staff within the Trust; and providing alternative roles to encourage potential candidates to come to Lincolnshire and work for the Trust.

·       Confirmation was given that the Trust had a good working relationship with Lincolnshire Police who were part of a multi-agency group within the county to make sure national requirements were met;

·       The Committee was advised that patients would be taken by ambulance to the most appropriate place, based on the complexity of their need;

·       Support was extended to the work of the Lincolnshire Rural Network Support and to the support they provided to farmers and rural workers in the county;


Note: Councillor Mrs L Hagues left the meeting of 12:50pm.


·       The Committee noted that the location of the Grantham Night Light Café was at the Ascension Church Hall in Grantham.  Some members felt that the Night Light Cafes needed to be promoted better;

·       Thanks were extended to the presenters for the level of detail contained within the report presented;

·       It was highlighted that work was ongoing currently in Lincolnshire for introducing the NHS 111, option2, for residents to receive mental health support. It was hoped that this facility would be available at the end of the financial year; and

·       It was noted that demand for mental health services generally was rising, and that the Trust was doing all it could to make sure that services were in place to meet this demand.




1.      That the Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust be thanked for their report and presentation on Adult Mental Health Services, in particular the level of detail in the report.


2.      That the Committee be advised of any future developments in these services.


The meeting adjourned at 1.00pm and re-convened at 2.00pm.

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