Agenda item

Safer Lincolnshire Partnership - Fraud Update Report

(To receive a report from Vicky Salmon, Community Safety Strategy Co-ordinator, which provides the Committee with an update on the collaborative working undertaken by the Crime and Disorder Core Priority Group of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership as part of the Community Safety in Partnership Agreement between Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Police, during the last 12 months)  




The Committee considered a report from Vicky Salmon, Community Safety Strategy Co-ordinator, which provided an update on the collaborative work being undertaken by the Crime and Disorder Core Priority Group of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership whose current priority was to focus on digitally enabled fraud and ID theft.


In a presentation to the Committee, the Community Safety Strategy Co-ordinatoradvised of the work currently being undertaken through collaboration with the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership Crime and Disorder Group, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and other committed partners.   It was highlighted that digitally enabled fraud and ID theft was a growing threat for Lincolnshire, and as a result the Core Priority Group had identified five objectives to reduce victimisation and details of the activity being taken for each of the five objectives were presented to the Committee.


The Committee was also advised that there was a commitment between LCC and Lincolnshire Police to working more collaboratively, with an example of collaborative working being the appointment of Scams Intervention and Prevention Officer who provided support to victims of scams and fraud and those at risk of such crimes. It was highlighted that this role was hosted by the LCC Community Safety service, funded by the LCC Trading Standards service, embedded in the Lincolnshire Police Prevention and Partnerships team with close links to the LCC Adults Safeguarding Team. 


It was noted that due to the agreed partnership specific officers from both partners had access to organisational databases to allow for ease of support to victims and intelligence gathering for enforcement purposes.


In conclusion, the Committee noted that prevention was at the heart of keeping those living and working in Lincolnshire safe from digitally enabled fraud.


Appendix A to the report provided a copy of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership Structure Chart for the Committee to consider.


(Note: As a result of a Fire Alarm sounding, the Committee had to evacuate the Council Chamber between 10.24am and 10:45am)


During consideration of this item, some of the following comments were noted.


·       Confirmation was provided that information relating to scams was provided in the following three languages: Portuguese, Polish and Romanian;

·       The Committee noted that to access a call blocker through the LCC Scams Officer, there was no set criteria, but the person requiring the blocker needed to be vulnerable, or at risk of fraud and that each individual case would be assessed by the Scams Officer. It was noted further that a call blocker could also be obtained via the National Trading Standards system, or could be purchased from Truecall, who were the industry leaders in this area.  Officers agreed to provide further information in this regard for circulation to members of the Committee after the meeting;

·       One member highlighted that an option provided by BT which enabled landline users to filter their own calls was no longer provided, because of there now being multiple providers.  It was however felt that the re-introduction of the service would aid in preventing scams, allowing it to be dealt with on a national basis; and

·       One member highlighted that fellow Councillors could help combat scams in their own division by getting messages out via Twitter, through town and parish councils, and signposting residents to the Friends Against Scams website for further information.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the Community Safety Strategy Co-ordinator for her presentation.




That support be extended to the continued delivery of the work of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership’s Crime and Disorder Priority Group in the proposed format.

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