Agenda item

Adult Community Mental Health Transformation

(To receive a report from the Mental Health Community Transformation Programme, which provides the Board with an update on the Mental Health (Adults) priority.  Sara Brine, Head of Mental Health and Transformation NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and Victoria Sleight, Head of Adult Community Mental Health Transformation Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will be in attendance for this item)  



The Boad considered a report and presentation from Sara Brine, Head of Mental Health and Transformation NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and Victoria Sleight, Head of Adult Community Mental Health Transformation Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, which provided an update on the Mental Health (Adults) priority.


Appendix A to the report provided a copy of a presentation which referred to the Adult Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Transformation.  The presentation made reference to: the NHS England Roadmap; what had been achieved so far; the benefits of the mental health transformation programme; the ten year vision; the mental health and wellbeing community investment scheme; organisations support by ‘Shine’; night lights cafés; the wellbeing hub offer; mental health population profiles; psychological interventions across all pathways; co-production networks; next steps; and how success would be measured.


During consideration of this item, the Board raised some of the following comments:


  • Thanks were extended for the comprehensive report, presentation, and the fantastic work being undertaken with regard to Mental Health (Adults) priority;
  • Some concern was raised regarding services being moved into the community more and the closing down of crisis services.  It was highlighted that coastal and rural communities still struggled to get the services they required, with reference being made to primary care mental health practitioners and access to them by the homeless community.  It was highlighted further that there were gaps in provision across the county. The Board was advised that homeless teams in the East Lindsey area were really struggling to get mental health support and a plea was made for extra mental health support to be made available. It was also highlighted that those in crisis should not have to go to an emergency department to receive the care they needed.  Presenters agreed to take away the comments raised; 
  • The Board was advised that work was ongoing to try and expand, and re-commission what used to be called the dual diagnosis model;  
  • One question asked was how it was known that the strong network of services provided was embedded across communities, across services, and partners, to continually evolve and be sustainable.  There was recognition that the programme was interactive and that the scope had been widened, which had impacted across the crisis services.  The Board noted that the success of the network of services had been down to partnerships with colleagues working across the  integrated care system and really understanding what communities wanted.  The Board noted further that work was starting on what the vision was going to be for the next ten to twenty years;
  • One member highlighted that the section 75 agreement and the approach of the Better Care Fund had really helped to bring everyone together, and that building on that through the priorities of the health and wellbeing strategy and the integrated care strategy would help enable transformation;
  • The need for the faith sector to be included in the Voluntary, Community & Social enterprises (VCSE) provision;
  • That there needed to be better sharing of support information and signposting available to organisations to help them deal with requests from their own workforce.  One member highlighted that slide 68 of the report pack would help in this regard; and
  • It was highlighted that the voluntary sector was providing a valuable service and that the challenge was through working together was to find a more sustainable way going forward to keep community groups thriving.


The Chairman on behalf of the Board extended thanks to the presenters.




That the update on the Adult Community Mental Health Transformation be noted.

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