Agenda item

Lincolnshire Local Resilience Forum Business Plan 2023-2026

(To receive a report from Mark Baxter, Chief Fire Officer and Ian Reed Head of Emergency Planning & Business Continuity, which outlines to the Committee the strategic objectives that are to be delivered over the next three years, with the structures and roles that are in place to achieve this)


The Committee considered a report from the Chief Fire Officer and the Head of Emergency Planning & Business Continuity, which provided the Committee with a summary of the Lincolnshire’s Local Resilience Forum (LRF) Business Plan 2023-2026, which outlined the strategic objectives to be delivered over the next three years.


The Chief Fire Officer advised the Committee of the background to the LRF process under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, details of the Category one and two agencies involved for Lincolnshire were shown on page 118 of the report pack and page 119 of the report provided details of the structure operating to deliver the outcomes of the business plan.


In conclusion, it was reported that the Lincolnshire LRF business plan 2023-26 would ensure that there was a clear programme of work for the next three years, and it would provide appropriate scrutiny and accountability of the LRF in terms of delivering against its statutory duties and supported the recognition that LRFs were playing more vital roles in responding to current and future risks of the county.


During consideration of this item, the following comments were noted:


·       One member enquired whether there was a plan to include a digital approach to warn the public via their mobile phones of a major incident.  The Committee noted that the government had recently launched ‘Emergency Alert’ which was a system that would enable key messages to be sent to all mobile phones from government office or from being initiated at local resilience forum level;

·       The purpose of the LRF was being able to respond when one single agency had an event or situation they were unable to respond to from their own resources or capabilities;

·       Thanks were extended to all those involved in the LRF;

·       The need for all councillors to help their communities to come together to help themselves and have a plan in place in the event of an emergency.  The Committee noted that colleagues from the County Emergency Centre were working with district councillors to get plans in place within their communities.  It was highlighted that resources were available to help every parish/community to have an emergency plan.  Any councillor wishing to know any further information regarding emergency plans were urged to contact the County Emergency Centre;

·       It was reported that training and exercise planning was ongoing and that once lessons had been learnt from the last two significant flooding events, this would inform further training exercises going forward;

·       One member advised that some residents within their division had an issue with surface water flooding, and in order to help themselves they had downloaded a Storm Alert App, so that they are aware of when a storm was approaching.  The Committee noted that when an emergency event occurred the Council worked very closely with partner agencies who were able to provide support to people who were not able to help themselves as there was recognition that not everyone had the same capacity to help themselves.  All Councillors were encouraged to attend member training events regarding emergency planning, as these provided information to assist Councillors to help their communities in an emergency situation;

·       It was reported that all the deliverables in Appendix B were being worked on by various groups at the same time.  It was highlighted that any learning from recent events would probably change some of the priority areas; and

·       Confirmation was provided that the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities funding was being used to deliver key projects that supported the delivery of the strategic objectives; details of the four projects that Lincolnshire LRF had undertaken were shown on page 123 of the report.  The Committee was advised that currently there was no costs being picked up by Lincolnshire.  The Committee noted that quarterly progress updates were provided to the Cabinet Office relating to the projects, and that a full evaluation of the projects was due to be carried out.  It was highlighted that LRF funding was only guaranteed up to 2025, however the Committee noted that there was an expectation that the funding would continue because of the profile and impact of LRFs, but at the moment there had not been any confirmation from the government.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the Chief Fire Officer.




That the Lincolnshire Local Resilience Forum Business Plan 2023-26 be received and that annual updates on progress against the LRF Business Plan 2023-26 be presented to the Committee.

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