Agenda item

Physical Activity

(To receive a report from Emma Tatlow, Active Lincolnshire, which provides the Board with an update on the Physical Activity priority)



The Board considered a report from Active Lincolnshire and the Let’s Move Lincolnshire Strategy, which provided an annual update on the Physical Activity Priority.


The Chairman invited Emma Tatlow, Voluntary and Community Sector Representative and lead for the Physical Activity priority to present the item to the Board.


The Board were advised of the background to the Let’s Move Lincolnshire Strategy; the challenges and barriers; opportunities and solutions to the system wide approach; the progress and success during 2023-2024, with reference being made to placed based investment; the Together Fund; Opening of Schools facilities; UK SPF skills; Let’s Move Lincolnshire Connect events; One you Lincolnshire Move More Pathway; Pre and post-natal pathway; Districts Health and Wellbeing Strategy; and the Wheels for Life Scheme.


The Board was advised that Lincolnshire faced some very challenging issues around physical inactivity and that there was a need to continue to better connect existing investment and capacity in the system, and secure future funding through a prevention focused place-based model to tackle the challenge of inactivity.


It was also highlighted that some organisations were struggling to survive.  It was highlighted further that sometimes commissioned services could unintentionally put an additional strain on some smaller organisations alongside the financial strain of short-term funding.


It was reported that potential place-based investment from Sport England would provide additional capacity to focus on areas identified as the top 10% places of need in England regarding physical activity; inactivity; health inequalities and deprivation.  It was felt that there needed to be a system-based approach to tackling inactivity and it was hoped that the Health and Wellbeing Board would support that approach.


During discussion, the following comments were noted:


·       Clarification was provided that Sports England’s definition of place varied.  It was however highlighted that any new investment was unlikely to cover a whole county and that it was more likely to cover one, or a multiple number of Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA), or a district;

·       The challenges community groups were experiencing trying to keep local sporting facilities available or obtaining funding to provide necessary facilities;

·       The Board was made aware of seventy-eight volunteer led wellbeing walks being held across the county being led by the Lincolnshire Co-op.  It was highlighted that lots of people were still unaware of what was available to them within their own community;

·       Some concerns were raised regarding the place based approach; as currently this was not mandated by the government;

·       The challenges of getting people to engage in in physical activity;

·       Clarification was provided that place-based investment did not necessarily mean investment in new facilities; it was actually connecting all what was available together and learning and exploring things differently to make it easier for people to be more active as part of their daily lives; and

·       That more information regarding what activities were available in Lincolnshire would be signposted by a widget on the Connect to Support website.


The Chairman on behalf of the Board extended thanks to the presenter.




1.      That support be given to a place-based approach to physical activity through a prevention related to health outcomes to realise future investment opportunities.


2.      That consideration be given to what capacity and capabilities across the ICP can be levered to support this approach.


3.     That the contents of the report and the work of the Let’s Move Lincolnshire taskforce as being the leader and facilitator of the system wide approach to physical activity be noted.

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