Agenda item

Performance - Quarter 4 2013/14

(To receive a report from Stuart Carlton, Assistant Director of Children's Services, which provides key performance information for Quarter 4 2013/14 which is relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee)


Consideration was given to a report which provided the Committee with key performance information for Quarter 4 2013/14 that was relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee.


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions to the officers present in relation to the information contained within the report and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:

·         CS012 – % privately fostered children visited within required timescales – this was still showing as below target, even though there had been a marginal improvement since the previous quarter.  It was noted that the way that some of these targets were reported would be changing, but Lincolnshire was still one of the best authorities in the country in relation to this target;

·         NI065 – Children becoming the subject of a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time – concerns were raised regarding this indicator being behind target, members were informed that a piece of work had been requested to be carried out on re-referral rates;

·         NI114 – Rate of permanent exclusions from school – it was recognised that the actual number of exclusions was small, but it was still higher than the national figure;

·         The authority was seeing an increasing number of exclusions from primary schools.  Following an external consultation, a number of recommendations were made, and some secondary schools suggested the setting up of exclusions panels.  However, it was noted that some young people just needed some time away to go into a teaching and assessment centre rather than being permanently excluded;

·         There was a whole work programme being built around exclusions, and there were concerns that the SEND reforms could increase the number of exclusions.  It was suggested that this situation should be monitored closely;

·         CS136 - % of pupils achieving 5 or more A*- G grade GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and Maths – there was a need to monitor the performance of this indicator closely in the future, due to the changes in examination entry policy in the past two years;

·         NI102ii – Achievement gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers (KS4) – officers were very aware of this issue, and in the next academic year would work with schools to address the issue in a more holistic way;

·         CS117 - % 16-19 teenage mothers in EET – concerns were raised regarding the strategy for supporting young parents.  Members were informed that all early help arrangements should be managed or commissioned through a single strategy in the future;

·         There was a need for a very coherent strategy for the level of provision for children in primary school that were excluded;

·         It was noted that in terms of children who were excluded, the authority did not need to place them outside of the county.  Officers were still trying to determine whether the capacity at the Fortuna School was sufficient.  It was noted that a report in relation to exclusions would be brought back to the meeting in October 2014;


(It was noted that Councillor N J Smith left the meeting at this point and did not return)


·         CS178 – Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training – concerns were raised that this figure had increased to 3.74% which was slightly under target.  However, members were informed that the authority continued to have legacy issues in relation to 18 year olds.  There could be some fluctuations at this time of the year and it was expected that it would correct itself by the next quarter.  If the figures continued to rise there may be a need to look at this in more detail;

·         CS108 - % LAC (>20 days) with a PEP and PAF C24 – LAC absent from school – Members were informed that IT had not yet completed the necessary work in relation to the ePEP system, but work was ongoing.  In relation to absences officers wanted to start work to identify non-attendance issues before a pattern was established;

·         It was hoped that from September 2014 a new virtual headteacher would be in place;

·         In relation to narrowing the gap, a programme board had been set up and it was queried whether it would be possible for any councillor participation with this? officers agreed to look into this 

·         Members were informed that the 'gap' had narrowed considerably at foundation stage, slightly at Key Stage 2, but more work was needed at Key Stage 4.




            That the performance information presented be noted.

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