Agenda item

Progress Report on the Lincolnshire Youth Offer

(To receive a report which provides a progress report on the development of the Lincolnshire Youth Offer and will update the Committee on current service delivery and plans for the future)


Consideration was given to a report which provided the Committee with a progress report on the development of the Lincolnshire Youth Offer and updated the Committee on current service delivery and plans for the future.


It was reported that the Government had retained the duty on Local Authorities (LA) to secure sufficient educational and recreational leisure-time activities for the improvement of the wellbeing of 13-19 year olds.  This duty also required LA's to take into account young people's views and to publicise information about the local offer.


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions to the officers present in relation to the information contained within the report, and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:

·         The link between the Youth Offer and the Troubled Families Programme had been formalised;

·         The authority had a responsibility to ensure that activities were in place for the 13 – 19 year old age group;

·         Clarification was requested for the four youth centres which had been taken out of scope.  It was reported that this was due to a lack of a suitable organisation to take over the lease of the centre.  These centres were in areas where they were needed, and would continue to run activities by a number of different community groups.  They had been taken out of scope as it was felt that officers would be spending more time searching for an organisation to take over the lease than they would on ensuring activities were being offered.  Until such time as an organisation came forward, the County Council would continue to operate these premises;

·         Members were assured that there were no current plans to close these centres at this time;

·         It was commented that the list of positive activities that young people were engaged in within the county was impressive.  However, it was noted that this list was not exhaustive, as another positive activity was the Lincolnshire Children's University Passport Scheme.  Officers would ensure that this was included in the next report;

·         There were concerns that with centres being taken out of scope that there could become a postcode lottery in terms of activities for young people.  Members were advised that there was not a gap in provision in these areas, it was just that no suitable group had come forward to take on the leases of the buildings;

·         Positive Futures had expanded, and had received funding from the Street Games;

·         Until a suitable organisation could be found to take on the leases of the centres taken out of scope, the authority would continue to run them;

·         It was requested that all local councillors be kept up to date with any significant developments in relation to the youth centres in each area;

·         It was agreed that a full list of all the Lincolnshire County Council youth centres would be sent out to the Committee for information;

·         Positive Futures did mainly focus on sport related activities, but it also offered other qualifications such as leadership and mentoring;

·         There were concerns regarding how much youth work was taking place, and officers advised that they were trying to ensure that youth work was taken on by other organisations.  The authority was trying to prioritise a very small resource, and had been trying to ensure that other groups were able to deliver these services.




            That the comments made in relation to the current Youth Offer and plans for the future be noted.

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