Agenda item

2015/16 Section 251 Benchmarking Information

(To receive a report from Lizzie Bowes, Strategic Finance Manager, Schools Finance Team, which advises the Schools' Forum of the latest S251 benchmarking data published by the Department for Education in September 2015)


Consideration was given to a report from Lizzie Bowes (Strategic Finance Manager, Schools Finance Team), which advised the Schools' Forum of the latest Section 251 benchmarking data published by the Department for Education (DfE) in September 2015. 


In guiding the Forum through the report, the Strategic Finance Manager, Schools Finance Team highlighted the following:-


·         That all local authorities were required to publish a statement showing planned expenditure on Children's Services. It was noted that Lincolnshire would be presenting its Section 251 budget statement to the Schools' Forum at its April meeting.  It was highlighted that despite DfE guidance relating to the completion of the statement, there was likely to be variation due to interpretation, and it was felt that this might explain some of the apparent variations in planned spending between Local Authorities (LAs).  Care was therefore needed when interpreting figures;

·         Appendix A to the report provided the Forum with a copy of the benchmarking data from the Local Authority Table of Section 251.  The information contained within the Appendix provided information relating to 27 Upper Tier Authorities who were similar in character to Lincolnshire.  Full details of key issues that the Forum should be aware of were contained within pages 18/19/20 and 21 (Tables 1 to 8) of the report presented.  The Forum was advised that their principal role was to focus on the use of the Dedicated Schools Grant which was shown on the lines up to 1.6.1, or Column 40 of the above mentioned Appendix.  The other budget lines related broadly to children's services across the County; and

·         It was reported that the Sector 251 benchmarking data would continue to be used by the local authority (LA) each year to inform its future spending plans.


In conclusion, the Forum was advised that Lincolnshire's overall position had not changed significantly since the previous year.  It was highlighted that in 2015/16 an additional £390m had been added to LAs budgets that were most in need, this additional funding had been allocated to 69 LAs.  Lincolnshire had received an additional £4.5m, but as this was only c.1% of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG).  It was noted that this would have little impact on the benchmarking and on Lincolnshire's relative position, as the County continued to receive one of the lowest levels of DSG funding in the County.  Table 4 in the report, provided the 'per pupil' spending on the Schools Budget the figure of £376 was less that the England average (median).  It was highlighted that this adverse situation continued to be compounded by the fact that Lincolnshire also spent £148 per pupil more on school transport that the England average (median) due to the rurality of the County.


It was reported that on the 25 November 2015, the Chancellor had announced the outcome of the Spending Review 2015.  The Forum was advised that the Government intended to introduce the first ever national funding formula for schools, high needs and early years, so that funding was transparent and fairly linked to a child's needs.  The Government was also planning to launch a detailed consultation in 2016, with its implementation planned for 2017/18. 


During discussion, the Forum raised the following issues:-


·         One member enquired whether there were any areas that officers felt needed to be highlighted.  The Forum noted that the DSG funding envelope had been lower than expected;


The Forum were advised that a Project Board had been establish to look into reducing the cost of Home to School Transport for young people with Special Educational Needs by looking into making existing Special Schools more generic to meet the needs of young people with Special Educational Needs. This would then reduce the travelling distances of young people with special educational needs.  The Forum noted that there was some capital available to invest in the project, which was intended to have a positive impact on reducing the amount spent on Home to School Transport, and reducing the journeys of young people with Special Educational Needs.


The continued investment in prevention with regard to safeguarding and Looked After Children.  It was highlighted that Lincolnshire placed a higher percentage of Looked After Children in foster care, rather than being in residential accommodation, as the costs were lower and the outcomes were better.


The Forum was advised that if the Government decided to fund all schools at a national level, the formula for funding might not be flexible enough to meet Lincolnshire needs.  Therefore, members were encouraged to respond to the Government's fairer funding consultation, once it was issued.




            That the report be noted.

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