Agenda item

Rail Update

(A report by Ian Kitchen, Transport Manager – Policy and Order, whichupdates the Committee on current rail issues)


(Note: Councillors C J T H Brewis and M Brookes requested that a note should be made in the minutes that they were both members of the Public Transport Consortium)


The Committee received a report on current rail issues affecting the county including an update on the East Midlands Rail Franchise re-letting due to start later this year including a list of proposed enhancements to be sought for Lincolnshire and an outline of the recent work commissioned by the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (GLLEP) who had engaged consultants to examine the role that rail played in the GLLEP area and the economic benefits that improvements might bring. The report also gave an update on a recent decision by the Rail Regulator which had positive implications for Lincoln-London direct services.


Discussion between the Committee and officers included the following topics:-


1. When was Network Rail going to ensure that wheelchair access was provided at Stamford Station required by the Disability Discrimination Act? Officers agreed to raise this matter with Network Rail.

2. Examples were provided of the involvement of Parish Councils working in consultation with Network Rail to improve the appearance of Stations.

3. It was noted that Network Rail had allowed sufficient room for the development of electrification of the Doncaster to Peterborough line by Lincoln. Officers stated that the issue of electrification would be covered later in the report as it was something which the Greater Lincolnshire LEP had also picked up on.

4. The need for Network Rail to consider the re-opening of old railway lines to improve timing schedules and to avoid having to change trains and in this respect an example was given of the Firsby to Grimsby line. Officers stated that this was not an issue for the East Midlands Rail Franchise which was primarily related to rail services rather than major infrastructure.

5. The issue of the need for funding to achieve the aspirations for Lincolnshire's rail services was highlighted, along with the need for more and improved rolling stock, which was a problem nationally. Officers noted that the East Midlands franchise included many subsidised services for rural areas.

6. Why was there a need to provide a direct service from Lincoln to London when the Newark to London service was satisfactory? Officers stated that direct services had been shown to be a key requirement when businesses were looking to relocate, as well as having a positive effect on tourism as changing trains was seen as a disincentive when visiting Lincoln.

7. Was it possible to have a direct link from Cleethorpes to London? Officers stated that at this point in time there were no proposals by Virgin Trains to provide such a service but this was known to be an aspiration of North East Lincolnshire Council.

8. Concerns were raised about the delays caused in Spalding and the effect on the local economy with many people driving to Bourne to do their shopping A bridge was to be provided by the proposed Holland Park development but this was not imminent. Also, the station at Spalding was overgrown with weeds. Who was responsible for tidying up the Station? Officers stated that while the tidiness of the Station was the responsibility of East Midlands Trains, the train operator, Network Rail, was responsible for the ensuring the level crossing was kept tidy.


Officers stated that the Economic Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 24 May 2016, had made some detailed comments on the GLLEP report on rail issues in the county and that there was nothing in the report which was detrimental to the county and that it would be a useful lobbying document going forward.


The Committee supported the comments made by the Economic Scrutiny Committee, the GLLEP report and wished to see more feasibility work on electrification. Officers stated that the Office for Road and Rail Regulation carried out regular reviews of the operation of Network Rail, were mindful of the financial impact of any proposals by Network Rail, that the GLLEP were to commission further work on the case for electrification and that GLLEP wished to promote a direct service from London to the South Humber Bank in the long term.




(a) That the comments made by the Committee and the responses given by officers, on the report, be noted.


(b) That the report by the GLLEP and the comments made by the Economic Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 24 May 2016, be supported.

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