Agenda item

Permit Scheme - Update

(A report by Mick Phoenix, Parking Services Manager, in connection with the outcome of consultations with the general public, businesses and utility companies regarding the adoption of a Permitting Scheme in Lincolnshire)



The Committee received a report in connection with the completion of the consultation for the County Council's Permitting Scheme. Officers stated that various suggestions following the consultation had been built into the Permit Scheme documentation. The Scheme would allow the Council to control third party activities on the highway. The Council had worked in a collaborative way with the utilities on the consultation for the project. A trial period for our own works had mimicked the requirements that a Permit Scheme would impose and this had proved to be beneficial for all parties concerned.


Officers reported an amendment to the second paragraph of the report under the heading "Conclusion", the second sentence should be deleted and the following two sentences added – "It is intended to invoke the scheme as a single authority scheme. However, to facilitate Rutland County Council's possible future membership it is intended to amend the scheme to a Joint Scheme at a later date".


Discussion between the Committee and officers included the following topics:-


1. Was there any evidence to help traffic problems on sensitive routes? Officers stated that information on road signs was more informative for the public, particularly, an improvement in the start and end dates of a project had led to a reduction in complaints. Adherence to project timescales by contractors had also improved.

2. There was a need to ensure that work on roads by the utilities did not disrupt traffic flow, that the Council was pro-active in monitoring work and that work was carried out correctly.

3. There had been an issue with other Permit Schemes by the use of incorrect addresses given by Promoters. Officers stated that this issue had been examined and the asset management tool used had been updated to reduce the risk of this happening.

4. Concern about the proliferation of emergency works by promoters. Officers stated that this would be a priority for the Inspectors and this was welcomed by the utilities.

5. Was the cost of the Permit scheme met by charges? Officers stated that the price of Permits were set to cover the cost of the scheme and the cost of Permits would be reviewed each year.

6. The information provided on the road signs for the public was good but it was noted that some of the information was written in felt tipped pen which could fade in inclement weather. Officers stated that the signs were regularly inspected by an Inspector.

7. Officers confirmed that Promoters should apply for a permit before starting any work. If the Promoter over stayed beyond the day when the work was due to be completed then a fine could be imposed.

8. The Permit scheme should encourage co-ordination by Promoters. Officers stated that Promoters would receive a reduction in the cost of a Permit for jointly promoted schemes.

9. Other road works taking place in the vicinity needed to be taken into consideration for space management purposes.

10. Performance information arising from the Permit scheme would be published.




(a) That the outcome of the Permit Scheme consultation be noted.


(b) That the comments made by the Committee and the responses by officers on the Permit Scheme be noted.


(c) That the Lincolnshire Permit Scheme be supported and that the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT be asked to approve adoption of the Scheme. 

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