Agenda item

Lincolnshire Medicines Management Consultation

(To receive a report which presents the Lincolnshire Medicines Management Consultation which takes place 4 October – 18 November 2016 following which the results will be reported to all four CCG Governing Bodies on 30 November/1 December 2016)


Councillor S L W Palmer left the meeting.


Consideration was given to a report on behalf of the Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), which presented the Lincolnshire Medicines Management Consultation for the Committee's consideration.  It was reported that the consultation was taking place between 4 October and 18 November 2016; with the results being reported back to all the four CCG Governing Bodies on 30 November to 1 December 2016.


Gary James, Accountable Officer, Lincolnshire East Clinical Commissioning Group presented the report and explained to the Committee that the rationale behind the proposals was that the four CCGs had a substantial financial challenge to meet in the short term; and that currently £38m was being spent over the existing budget.  As a result of this it was felt that money spent on items that were readily available over the counter might be better spent on treatments, staff and essential services to benefit patients.


The four CCGs were asking for comments from the Committee on their proposals to restrict the prescribing of over the counter/minor ailment medicines used for short-term, self-limiting conditions, the prescription of gluten-free products, baby milk (including specialist infant formula) and oral nutritional supplements.  Attached at Appendix A to the report provided a copy of the Medicines Management Consultation document and survey.


Page 92 to 96 of the report provided the Committee with background information as to what was planned against each of the four areas.


During consideration of the item, the Committee raised the following issues:-


·         One member enquired as to where one could obtain a copy of the consultation form.  The Committee was advised that the form had been made available in GPs surgeries, pharmacies, social media, Facebook; website; engagement events, Parish Councils etc.  Some members expressed concern that they were not aware of the consultation.  A further member asked whether a copy of the consultation document should have been put through everyone's letter box.  The Committee was advised that this would have cost at least £500,000; and evidence had suggested that leaflet drops always resulted in a poor return; except if there was an incentive for people to complete.  The Committee also noted that there had been good representation from patients groups such as the Coeliac Society;

·         Some members express their support to the proposal but expressed some concern for the more vulnerable people who for instance needed large amounts of paracetamol for arthritis pain, or who were on lower incomes.  The Committee was reassured that the changes would only be applied to minor conditions; and that someone requiring painkillers in large amounts would still be able to have them on prescription; and that GPs would not restrict prescriptions to vulnerable people.  Some members also felt that the proposal was well overdue, and particular reference was made to coeliac disease, where it was highlighted there was now an extensive range of gluten free products available in shops and supermarkets.  It was highlighted that someone on a low income who was a coeliac, or would be a risk of dietary neglect would still be able to obtain staple products as recommended by Coeliac UK.  A further point raised was that gluten free products were not so widely available in budget supermarkets;

·         A suggested was made that GPs needed to regularly review patient's prescriptions to see if they were working; and to make sure that patients were still taking the prescribed drugs; this would then help with wastage; and

·         A question was asked on the level of charges made by pharmaceutical companies.  It was noted that pharmaceutical companies would argue that the costs of research into new drugs were exceedingly high.


The Committee agreed to the setting up of a working group to formulate a formal response on behalf of the Committee.  The above said group to comprise of the following Councillors J Kirk, R Kirk, Mrs R Kaberry-Brown, and C J T H Brewis. 


The Healthwatch representative advised the meeting that a copy of the Healthwatch response would be forwarded onto the Health Scrutiny Officer for the working group's information.




1.      That the report be noted, and that the comments made at the meeting be incorporated into the formal response from the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire.


2.      That a working group be established comprising of the following Councillors J Kirk, R Kirk, Mrs R Kaberry-Brown, and C J T H Brewis to formulate a formal response to the Medicines Management Consultation  to the Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Groups by 18 November 2016.

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