Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Work Programmes

(To receive a report which sets out the work programmes of the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee, the Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee and the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee in accordance with the Board's agreed programme)



The Board considered the work programmes of three Scrutiny Committees and the following points were noted:


Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee


Since the election, the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee had dealt with a busy schedule, covering many high profile projects across the county.


The most recent meeting had been held at the Eventus Centre for Business and Innovation in Market Deeping; a state of the art purpose built centre aimed at providing small to medium enterprises with all-inclusive facilities.  The Committee's Scrutiny Officer, Daniel Steel would provide a written debrief of the visit.


Councillor Mrs J Brockway offered to take forward the subject of Bishop Boston College which had taken over the agricultural arm of the University of Lincoln, at the new site located at the Lincolnshire Showground.  Progress had been very good.


There was discussion regarding future priorities for funding post Brexit and the Board was informed that Group Leaders wanted the Brexit Working Group to be re-established with the same membership as before, but with the addition of a member from each Committee.  The chairman of each committee would be asked to nominate a member from their committee.


Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee


Councillor D McNally, a member of the Committee, updated the Board on the work of the Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee, which met quarterly.


The Committee continued to consider investigations under Section 109 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, the majority of which related to surface water flooding.


It was queried whether the Western Growth Corridor was featured on the work programme and it was confirmed that it was not on the radar at this present time as it was not the right subject for scrutiny.


It was confirmed that the consultation on rock groins had not yet been completed. 


Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee reported that he and the Vice Chairman had been engaged in site visits.  They would continue to ensure that Lincolnshire continued to be a Band 3 authority.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman had quarterly meetings with the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT.


The Committee would consider a report by Network Rail at its meeting on 6 November 2017 and issues were raised regarding two railway bridges being constructed as part of the Western Road Corridor.  A member of the Board explained that he could not find out who would be paying for the bridges, with the County Council, City of Lincoln Council, Network Rail and the developer all stating it would not be them.  It was agreed this would be a good question to raise with Network Rail on 6 November.


It was suggested that improvements to the A1 in Lincolnshire be considered, as it was in poor condition compared to other sections of the road.  It was confirmed that this was an economic development issue and would be a matter for the Midlands Engine and the Lincolnshire Enterprise Partnership to consider. 




That the work programmes be noted and the recommendations made be taken forward by the relevant Committee.

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