Agenda item

To erect a new hall and classroom extension and remodelling of existing accommodation - Market Deeping Community Primary School, Willoughby Avenue, Market Deeping - S56/1927/17


(Note: Councillor S Kirk arrived in the meeting at 10.35am as the officers were about to present the report to the Committee)


Comments made by the Committee and the responses of officers, where appropriate, included:-


·         The main issues were associated with increased traffic and parking on the local highway network.

·         It was noted that the school had an arrangement with Tesco to allow parents of children attending the school to park in their car park.

·         It was noted that the local Division Member had not responded to consultation.

·         The Tesco car park was large and car park spaces were always available even at the weekend.

·         The contribution of £4,500 was welcomed to implement a traffic regulation order on Willoughby Avenue but local residents needed to be aware that this would prevent parking outside of their properties at certain times.

·         Could a condition be imposed that access was provided from the Tesco car park for parents? Officers stated that the access from Tesco could not be conditioned.

·         What service did the school receive for its £4,500 contribution? Officers stated that the £4,500 contribution would cover costs associated with the implementation of a traffic regulation order for example consultation but as there was no planning requirement a traffic regulation order could not be imposed.

·         The offer of £4,500 was welcomed. It was noted that schools often sought planning permission for extensions with the likelihood that these could aggravate current traffic management and noise issues. It was suggested that the £4,500 could be used to install signage at Tesco to show the access to the school if a traffic regulation order was not sought. It was suggested that the local Member could also approach highways and request a traffic regulation order.

·         The issue of litter raised by local residents should be addressed in the school's newsletter.

·         It was noted that the school was currently a local authority run school but that in the future it could become an academy. It was suggested that a condition to retain the access to the school from the Tesco car park should be imposed. Officers suggested that a condition could be imposed to ensure the access from the Tesco car park was kept open at school starting and finishing times. Officers also agreed to write a letter to Children Services to inform them that the offer of £4,500 was welcomed by the Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimous)


(a) That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report and an additional condition as follows:-


Condition: The pedestrian access, located along the northern site boundary shall be kept open for pupils to ingress and egress the school at the start and end of the school day.  This arrangement shall be secured from the date the permitted development is first brought into use.


Reason: To ensure safe access to and from areas available for off street parent parking in the interests of the amenity of local residents.


(b) That Children's Services be informed that the offer of £4,500 from the applicant is welcomed by the Committee.

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