Issue - decisions

Extra Care Housing Scheme and Community Supported Living Units for Working Aged Adults at The Hoplands Sleaford with North Kesteven District Council

03/02/2021 - Extra Care Housing Scheme and Community Supported Living Units for Working Aged Adults at The Hoplands Sleaford with North Kesteven District Council

That the Executive:


1.    Approves the payment of a sum of £2.56 million from the Capital Programme for Lincolnshire to NKDC through a Funding Agreement to support the development of the Hoplands, Sleaford, which is permitted under the state aid rules where the aid provided can be categorised as Services of General Economic Interest, with Lincolnshire County Council and North Kesteven District Council entering into a Nominations Agreement and Funding Agreement for the Extra Care Housing scheme and Working Age Adult properties, to secure nomination rights for Lincolnshire County Council on 40 Extra Care Housing units and 12 Community Supported Living units for Working Age Adults with learning disabilities, mental health and/or physical disabilities; through a process of first refusal with no void risk for a period of 30 years.


2.    Approves the under-value disposal of 0.9625 hectares of the Hoplands site for nil value to North Kesteven District Council to support the development of the Hoplands, which is permitted under the state aid rules, where the aid provided can be categorised as Services of General Economic Interest.  (The market value for this section of land is £650,000).


3.    Approves the disposal of 0.81262 hectares of the Hoplands site for market value of £250,000 to Lafford Homes, North Kesteven District Council's wholly-owned property company, for the development of market rental properties, or to North Kesteven District Council for the development of social housing, in the event Lafford Homes are unable to proceed.


4.    Delegates to the Executive Director for Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Adult Care, Health and Children's Services, authority to determine the final form, and approve the entering into of all legal documentation necessary to give effect to the above decisions.



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