Issue - decisions

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Technical Rescue Response Unit Refresh

07/10/2021 - Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Technical Response Unit Refresh

1.    That the operational changes specified in Table 1 of the report be approved;


2.    That the capital scheme business case for the expenditure of the capital budget of £1.218m on replacement vehicles, equipment and other assets in accordance with the Technical Response Units Capital Plan at Appendix J to the report, be approved;


3.    That the carrying out of a procurement to secure the replacement vehicles, equipment and other assets as described in the Technical Response Units Capital Plan as Appendix J to the report, be approved;


4.    That authority be delegated to the Chief Fire Officer, in consultation with the Executive Councillor Fire and Rescue and Cultural Services, to take all decisions and detailed steps necessary to give effect to the above decisions.



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