Issue - decisions

Single Section 75 Agreement for Children and Young People's Mental Health Services

06/04/2022 - Single Section 75 Agreement for Children and Young People's Mental Health Services and Council Funding

1.    That the entering into of a new s75 Agreement with NHS Lincolnshire CCG/ICB from 1 September 2022 for up to five years be approved:

·       To pool all Council and CCG/ICB funding in relation to CYP mental health services; and

·       For the Council to act as lead commissioner for all Lincolnshire CYP mental health services (CAMHS, MHST’s and HML).


2.    That the entering into of a new single s75 Agreement with LPFT from 1 September 2022 for up to five years to deliver the functions delegated to the Council in relation to Lincolnshire CYP mental health services be approved.


3.    That the continuation of investment recurrently in CYP mental health services to the amount of £1,724,589 per annum, be approved, as follows:

·       £1m from the Public Health Grant towards continuation of HML to deliver whole population CYP mental health promotion, prevention and training and early intervention; and

·       £724,589 into CAMHS for specialist CYP mental health support in relation to the Council’s statutory duties, ensuring the emotional wellbeing and mental health of CYP, particularly those in care.


4.    That working jointly with the CCG/ICB and LPFT to review early intervention support provided by HML and MHSTs and agree a hybrid approach that allows the tapering of £1m p/a Council funding from the DSG alongside the increasing investment and coverage of NHS funded MHSTs in Lincolnshire be approved.


5.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director – Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Children’s Services, Community Safety and Procurement and working with the Lincolnshire CCG/ICB, to approve the final form of any agreements, the profile of funding diversion, the hybrid model of HML/MHSTs and to allow them to make future decisions about the future model and future use of funding over the five years of the new s75 agreement.



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