Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Members' Interests'

  • Councillor Michael Brookes - Personal - Councillors M Brookes and T R Ashton requested that a note should be made in the minutes that they were both members of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee (minute 43).
  • Councillor Mrs Angela Mary Newton MBE - Personal - Councillor Mrs A M Newton requested that a note should be made in the minutes that she was a member of the Planning and Regulation Committee and would comment and vote on the matter as a neighbouring local Division Member (minute 43
  • Councillor Stephen Peter Roe - Personal - Councillors S P Roe and T R Ashton requested that a note should be made in the minutes that they were both members of the Planning and Regulation Committee and would remain in the meeting and not comment or vote on the matter (minute 43).
  • Councillor Thomas Robert Ashton - Personal - Councillors S P Roe and T R Ashton requested that a note should be made in the minutes that they were both members of the Planning and Regulation Committee and would remain in the meeting and not comment or vote on the matter (minute 43).
  • Councillor Thomas Robert Ashton - Personal - Councillors M Brookes and T R Ashton requested that a note should be made in the minutes that they were both members of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee (minute 43).



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