Outside body

Doncaster Sheffield Finningley Airport Consultative Committee


The Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultative Committee provides the mechanism for the exchange of information between the Airport Operator (Peel Airports Ltd), users of the airport, local authorities in the vicinity airport and other organisations surrounding the airport which have an interest in the operations and management of the airport.


Specifically, the Committee is:


a. To foster communication and build understanding between the airport, its users, local residents and the business community.

b. To stimulate the interest of the local population in the development of the airport.

c. To consider the impact of the airport operation on the environment, surface access, employment, the local and regional economy, and the circumstances of local communities and their residents.

d. To monitor the implementation of the Airport Operator’s commitments made under the S106 Agreement between the Airport Operator and Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council.

e. To consider and comment upon consultative reports, as required.

f.  To facilitate constructive discussion to resolve differences, when required.


Contact information

Andrew Shirt
Secretary - Joint Authorities Governance Unit

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Town Hall
Church Street
Barnsley, South Yorkshire
S70 2TA

Phone: (01226) 772207

Website: http://www.southyorks.gov.uk/SYJSHome/AgendasandMinutes.aspx

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Our representatives



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